Chapter 7

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He then pulled me into a hug trembling slightly. I never seen him like this before he isn't his usual closed off self and I am happy for that. I hugged him back then i felt tears running down his cheeks seeping into my 'shirt'. Then after a while he took off his jacket and gave it to me as soon as it was in hands reach I took it and put it on.

"Thank you Gab.." I say with gratitude "No need to thank me Amor It's the least I can do plus you look like a mess." He says with a cocky smirk and I playfully gasps "Gabriel!" I say jokingly and we both chuckled and laughed. After a while of joking around he looks at me with his pupils dilated and I noticed that he had. Dimples.

I smiled widely at that "I never knew you had dimples Gab." I say with curiosity and a bit of playfulness in my tone "Oh my dimples. . . I always had them but I never smiled this big before." He says a little embarrassed "I mean I'm not complaining. . . I just never knew you had them. I like them" I say with amusement "Y... you do?" He says "Ofcourse I do. I really do like them" I say.

He had to go to the rooftop to smoke I never knew he smoked until today. So he sat on the ledge of the building I came to the rooftop and I went to him then I sat down next to him. I looked slightly up at him and smiled and he looked down at me I saw his eyes were a little bit filled with curiosity.

"Is there something on your mind Gab?" I asked "Yes there is actually" he says "Ask away" I say "Do you know who Jackson Watson is?" He asked as my heart rate quickens I managed to mutter the next words I was about to say "Y..Yes" I say stuttering slightly "What did he do?" He says with a hint of anger "He was my Stalker... but please just leave it be. Plus why are you so curious all of a sudden?" I asked "Because he is my fucking brother and I don't want him hurting you" He says outraged "Don't raise your fucking voice at me. Okay?. When you are done being a dick then we will talk" I say quite pissed off .

I got off the ledge and went inside. My mind started to raise. Was I too harsh? Or was I too blunt?... but I left it be and after a while he came in. He didn't say a word but instead he just glared at me "Where did that attitude come from?" I asked "For once in your fucking life can you shut up!?" He yells and then I heard a loud crash off glass breaking. Both me and Gabriel went silent. As we heard someone talking "Shit!" Someone whispers and winces "Jack?" I spoke up "Oh so you do remember me?. I hope my brother wasn't that mean." Jack looks at Gabriel and Gab just looks away "Oh so you were mean?" Jack says "And? She was getting annoying" Gabriel says as my eyes widen "wha-.." I say with slight shock "Your turning into father. And you don't talk to a lady that way..." Jack says. He was a dick with me at the beginning but maybe I was wrong about everything.

Gabriel packed his shit and left pushing me away. And pushed me hard enough that I almost fell to the floor but Jack catches me and then he went after Gabriel. Leaving me there in shock....

619 words

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