Chapter One: Summertime Yearning

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Authors Note 1: Her name is Pronounced: Th-Ray-Ah. Another note will be at the end. Thank you for choosing this story to read, enjoy!




It is good to hear from you. I had feared my last letter wouldn't reach you as Morvolo had cast a stuttering jinx on me just as I was trying to send my owl. I hope your summer has continued to be going well. We are still in Devonshire, despite the sound of crashing waves, and the feel of the sand against my toes I am still fighting the urge to fling myself off the cliff into its bitter waters to end this tormenting stay. I kid... At least slightly. Truth is I cannot express how much I have been longing to be back at Hogwarts with you and away from this wretched house.

Each new day it seems Father becomes more determined to bring me with him to the Ministry. He's trying to force me into making connections with his colleagues. Setting me up for a grand career there after I graduate. As if that is even something I would want. Can you imagine it? Me working for the ministry, what a laugh!

Ophelia and Morvolo have been trying to convince him that it is a waste. It may be the one thing my siblings have done that I actually agree with (I know the world must have frozen over.) But alas no matter our pleas he will not listen. Every male Gaunt has held a high standing and respectable position in the ministry since its creation, I must follow suit.

Mother has started dragging me with her and Ophelia to the sacred twenty eights courting rituals. I had gone in the hopes that I may run into you. Strangely, only finding Garreth as my solace from the night. I wish you were there. I would have loved your commentary on the spectacle. Have you been my eyes laughing on while our "peers" try to find suitable matches. The time we would have had!

Garreth wasn't a bad companion though. He had snuck in one of his brews and spiked the punch. I am thankful I passed on the juice as... Well in case this letter does get intercepted all I will say on the matter is that the night had become much livelier after that. It felt more like we were back at one of Blacks parties in the common room.

Despite the decorum of the night, Ophelia, to mother's joy has seemed to meet someone. A man seven years her senior from house Lestrange. It is an unofficial courtship as he cannot ask to formally pursue her until the start of the next social season (I know the rules make no sense to me either.) But if all goes as mother hopes she will have two of her children married off by the end of next year. She has been badgering me on it too of course.

She and father are so focused on what is to come after I graduate. I haven't even started my sixth year. I cannot be thinking that far out about a future that I in truth don't even want!  I am just trying to focus on my charms work... But with how Morvolo and Father have been speaking I fear that if I do not pursue some aspect of DADA, they may just turn their wands on me.

How are you? Is the summer still going well? You must tell me more about this elf you've taken in. Did she really save you from a troll? I must say I'm not surprised if the rumors are true but, if it is. For my sake, please be careful. I know nothing I say will convince you to stop your endless exploring, it is one of the things I admire most about you but, try and stay safe. I do not believe I will be able to survive our next school year without you.

I hope your family is doing well, and please tell your mother I am abundantly grateful for the baked treats. The vanilla sponge was delectable!

-Ominis G.


I am glad you enjoyed the treats; I hope the box of chocolate scones attached to this letter are just as delectable! (Please be forgiving if not, it is the first time in months mother had allowed me in the kitchen to help her.)

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