Failed Blackmail

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It was currently a few days later as it was 9 in the morning and Kazuki was watching the news with Rinka a bit of ways away from him.

NewsAnchor: And this just in, a series of murders happened just last night. 10 men were found in their own respective homes brutally beaten and cut to death. Witnesses claim they did not see or hear the killer or his victim. Only noting that most of his victims were beaten to death with a blunt object of sorts. So if you or anyone you know has any information about these killings please report this to the police.

Rinka: Woah, I wonder who did that...(And from the names it's obvious it's those guys from the videos that were sent to Kazuki. But...wouldn't that mean that...NO! He doesn't even know who they are. But thankfully I know what I gotta do....don't worry brother, I'll save you from that whore...and then you'll be all mine…)
She thought with a sadistic smirk.

Kazuki: (Well that's one group of bastards down now I just gotta figure out the old guy and find where they edit those videos. Then I'll deal with Rinka and Otome.)

It was currently late in the evening as Ai was walking into her apartment with some groceries.

Ai: *Relieved sigh* Finally, it was a pain in the neck before but now I feel like I deserve a bit of a relaxing night....AAAAHHHHHH!!!

She dropped her groceries as she saw the apartment looked to be a bit of a mess. She ran around the apartment looking for Aqua and Ruby, but she couldn't find them. Till she noticed a note on the ground.

Ai's eyes were beginning to water as she gripped the note. She wanted to scream but she knew what she had to do....

Kazuki was at home relaxing while Rinka was out. He suddenly got a phone call from Ai. He answered it only to move it away as she nearly screamed in his ear. All he understood was that Aqua and Ruby were in trouble and immediately got to his car and sped over to the apartment. 

Kazuki: Ai! What happened!?

She walked over and handed him the note as he read it....

Note: If you want to see your children then come to this address alone. And make sure that you're not wearing many clothes. Fail to comply or call the police, then your daughter will take your place.

Kazuki was feeling something that was beyond any form of anger.....

Ai: What are we going to do? 

Kazuki: You're not going to do anything, I'll handle it. But I think the better question you should be asking….

Kazuki: Is what am I not going to do to those bastards

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Kazuki: Is what am I not going to do to those bastards....

He pulled out his phone and called a number. After a few rings someone answered.

Kazuki: Hey, listen. I need your help tracking the kids. It's an emergency......are you sure?......thanks, also send a driver over to pick them up. And send in some cleaners cause it's going to be messy.

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