Prologue: "What's Your Name?"

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It is the middle of the night as we see Kazuki Okino sitting outside of a bar out in the countryside. He's been moving about for a couple days now as no one knew where he was or where he went.

Kazuki looked to be an empty shell of his old self, he had just spent the last couple of days watching his own crush get fucked by a bunch of older men. Only to find out that his own sister was sending him the videos all because she was in love with him.

Kazuki: Rinka....why Rinka!? WHY!? What the hell is wrong with her!? I don't love her, she's my damn sister!! (And to think...the girl I was interested in was nothing more than a slut just being used to make me suffer so someone else can have me for themselves....)

Kazuki was crying, his eyes void of any sign of light or shine that they once had. He was thinking of just leaving until someone spoke to him.

???: The hell happened to you kid?

Kazuki looked at the man as he wore black boots, denim jeans, a leather jacket with a red scarf popping out from his upper torso. He looked to be in his early to mid 40s.

Kazuki was silent as he just looked out into the distance.

???: You know kid it's impolite to not respond to your elders. 

Kazuki: Why do you even care?

???: Well why not? Maybe I'm just curious why a person so young is all the way out here in the middle of the night?

Kazuki:....It's....a long story.

???: Well I got time...

Kazuki: all started with this girl I liked named Otome....

Kazuki talked to the man about how his mentality has been deteriorating ever since he saw the first DVD of his crush getting fucked by old bastards. Only to discover that it was his sister who had planned this because she was deeply in love with him. Then to how he's been on the move ever since before stopping here.

???: Damn....and I thought Yanderes were fucking crazy.

Kazuki: So yeah, that's basically what happened with me. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be on my way....

Kazuki was about to leave until he was stopped by the man.

???: Now hold up kid. Who said anything about you leaving?

Kazuki: What...?

???: Listen kid, don't you feel angry about what happened to you? "All for the sake of love", what kind of bullshit is that? If it were me I would be in your shoes but I wouldn't just sulk and cry about it. If anything I would do something about it.

Kazuki: Well what can I do? I don't want to confront them about it. And I certainly can't do anything to those bastards either.

???: Then I'll help you. Teach you how to get your shit straightened out.

Kazuki: Why are you so determined to help me? For all I know you could be using me for your own benefits.

???: That may be, but you want to know why? Because I myself was in your own shoes kid. I had my heart played with by my own crush only to find out that the girl I loved for so long. Wasn't there, hell she didn't even exist, only a mask that I fell for like a lot of other people. 

Kazuki was in shock by this piece of information.

???: So you know what I did....?


???: I hunted the bastards that were involved down and beat them to death. And especially saved that bitch for last, but I let her go after some time telling her that if I were to see or hear of her ever again, then I would finish what I started with her.

Kazuki: And what happened to her?

???: Don't know, haven't heard or seen her in years. 

Kazuki: So what do you want with me?

???: I'm gonna train you kid. I'm gonna make you into something that they'll regret ever messing with.

Kazuki: Who even are you?

???: Oh yeah, guess I never really introduced myself huh? Well call me….

???: Oh yeah, guess I never really introduced myself huh? Well call me…

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Negan...and by the time I'm done with you, you'll be a force not to be reckoned with.

Kazuki was silent as he thought about what Negan said about the girl he spoke about. How the same thing could be with Otome. How she's just playing with his heart and feelings, how the girl HE fell in love with probably doesn't even exist.

He clenched his fist so tight that he was drawing blood as he spoke. The light in his eyes was replaced with a burning passion for revenge.

Kazuki: Teach me....please.

Negan: Just the words I wanted to hear....Now follow me boy, I'll train you within 3 months. By the time your training is over, you'll be something even a devil would think twice of messing with.
He said with what was akin to an evil smirk.

The Monster You Created (NTR Revenge Story) (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora