𝖝𝖛. favorite entertainer

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xv.┊favorite entertainer
07 x 1
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guess you didn't know that,you were my favorite entertainer

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guess you didn't know that,
you were my favorite entertainer . . .
zayn, entertainer.


That night Aoife slept for nearly twelve hours, sleeping like a baby and when she woke up in the morning, she almost forgot what happened the night before.

Except, it was Aoife Howard we were talking about here. And she couldn't give any signs of her truly consuming her from inside sadness, knowing it wasn't in her style. She was too caught up in hiding her feelings all her life and how would it look if she suddenly turned to a sad, poor and maybe even heartbroken girl, who would be pitied by the one's around her?

All because of some guy.

She didn't even have anyone to talk to. Even Jackie, the closest person to her heart, didn't have a clue what was going on. Or so she thought.

So the girl decided to keep going in her life like nothing happened. She wanted to forget about him, about all the kisses they shared and the words he told her. They weren't even together at all, so it didn't matter anymore. If not him, then someone else. She was only so young, after all.

And when she and Jackie walked in the restaurant, and all eyes were on them, she understood that the gossip was already everywhere.

"Are we now celebrities or something? Where's the paparazzi?" Aoife said as they walked to the counter, the girl slipping a pair of sunglasses on her nose to look more dramatic. "Don't even start." Jackie answered her, visibly looking uncomfortable from all the stares.

They noticed Grace and Skylar talking to Kiley, who worked there, looking like they were just caught on gossiping too.

"Seriously?" Jackie and Aoife said in unision, looking at the way they suddenly stopped talking. "Can you blame us? I mean that bonfire fight between Cole and Alex was the most exciting thing to ever happen in Silver Falls, ever.!" Grace finally spoke up, as they all walked to the free table.

"Yeah, okay, let's not overestimate that too much. I've seen more interesting things than two teenagers punching eachother over a girl. No offense, Jackie." Aoife smiled sweetly at her sister.

"In New York, Aoife. Here, it's even more exciting!"

"You're supposed to be my friends, you shouldn't be adding to the gossip" Jackie whispered shouted at all of them. "I wouldn't worry. This whole thing will blow over soon, and we'll be able to move on. Just like I'm moving on from the whole Nathan thing" Skylar announced, in a proud tone, but Grace's and Aoife's faces were telling a whole different story.

𝗗𝗘𝗩𝗜𝗟'𝗦 𝗔𝗗𝗩𝗢𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗘, isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now