Her words triggered a vague memory, the details he gave me were not as exact as my own memory. I met a girl and an accident happened but... "Wait a minute.... that little girl in the scarf who slipped and hung to the tree were you?" I was dumbfounded I met here before.

"Yes it was me, my Appa scolded me because of you", She complained with irritation. "NO... I DIDN'T", I almost yelled. I never planned anything like that. I just saw a little girl wearing a scarf looking at a tree curiously. I thought that girl was cute, and she wanted to see that 'bird tree house' I decided to help her but an accident happened.

"I really didn't plan anything I just wanted to help you, I thought you were cute", I told her explaining myself and she sneered and said madly. "What cute!! huh? Astagfilullah! you were a pervert as a child too!!"

"I was just a 6-year-old, I am telling you truth believe me", I told her in a defensive tone, she didn't look convinced ready to kill me if she could. "Let me explain", I plead, and she nods with a scowl.

"I was just trying to help and I never ran away to complain. I thought that if I kept standing there you would fall down I don't want you to get hurt, so I ran to my father to bring help.", she was looking at me with the same expression, so I continued.

"I didn't even know who you were. I just told my father to help you but your father was beside him I was not even aware who the man beside my father was. but how did you know it was me?", I explained and asked the question I was confused about.

"I asked your name, and you told me, and Yazia never forgets anyone who did bad with her", oh.... my warrior. I really melted hearing her snob tone. She is driving me crazy. "Do you believe me? what I told you?", I asked her, and I am sure she'll deny. I was waiting for her to say something lovable again but to my surprise, she sighed and nodded.

"I am trying to, just because you took that hit for me, I can forgive you", she said and then looked away holding the back of her neck. I am aware of her gesture she does it when she is. nervous, embarrassed, or shy.

Now which one she is feeling I am not sure. Me being a delusional person I believe she is shy. What's the harm if I assume it? I smiled and looked at her who sat silently they're now looking at her bandaged foot. I felt guilty looking at it. I could have stopped her from getting hurt. 

it's not much but even a scratch on her makes me feel like someone torn me apart. Is love this much stronger force? she gets her, and I feel pain twice what she is feeling.

"My warrior", I called her, and she gave me her signature glare. "let's start over on good terms without any prejudice toward each other", I said, and she raised her eyebrows. She seemed to be in some thoughts. I am desperate to know what she is thinking.

"I still don't like you but for the sake of your help and just because you are in this condition because of me I am... ready to start over", she said like she was paying the debt or doing a Favour. How proud she is, but am I complaining? Never.

"Then friends?", I asked her with a cheerful smile she shook her head and said in a neutral tone. "Business partners", I chuckled hearing her she really makes me happiest. "I am ok being your business partner yet." she shrugged unbrotherly.

"But in the future, I'll get promoted directly as your husband", I said in a challenging tone. "You will never stop your filthy mouth, will you?" Her tone was venomous but for me, it felt like honey. I am going insane for her.

"I can't guarantee, it doesn't shut up when I see you", I told her, and she gave me a pissed face. I was going to say more but the door suddenly opened, and Mom entered with food Namjoon after her. 

"Kids let's eat, I bring food for you both", Mom said and started setting the table Yazia tried to move the wheelchair, but Namjoon saw her and pushed it to where she wanted. It was suspicious why Namjoon was nice to her. I glared at Namjoon. He turned around and came towards me.

"Are you not feeling, ok? Do you need anything?", Namjoon asked, and I just glared at him. Then I thought of something I asked him to do. "Do you get her hijab she tied on my head?" I asked him in hushed tone. He gave me an unsettling look and nodded.

 "I did but what will you do of that dirty cloth", Namjoon asked, and I felt rage in my on his words. "If you again said it dirty, I'll forget you are my hyung", my tone came one almost like a low growl. Before he could say more.

"Taehyung I give you your portion there", Mom intertwined, and I diverted my attention towards her. "I can come over there I am fine", I said trying to get up when Namjoon held my shoulder. 

"Don't struggle and just eat here", Namjoon's tone was more like an order. I scoffed "I'll eat there", I declared and stood up ignoring any pain in my body. I never take orders. Not until it's from my warrior. She is the only one who can order me and I'll obey without a word. "Let him come Joon you know how his mind works", Mom told Namjoon hyung.

He sighed and held me from the side and helped me towards the couch and I sat down. Yazia looked at me and then at the food. her gaze was not as hard as always. There was no disgust she used to have. I am a step closer to my destination. I thought looking at my Yazia eating food and Talking with my mother. 

 "My warrior I'll take little steps towards you and reach you one day. If not, I'll burn the world away just to reach you."


"So, Let's put the end in Friends"


give me a hug!!

After posting this I am going to write more. It's the last part I wrote my stock ended!! I am happy I don't know why but being happy is what matters! I wish you a happy life!! 



From V


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