13 - Shadows of Doubt

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As I lay in bed, confined to rest for the next couple of days, I decided to make the most of my time by delving into the complexities of Noah's fake dating plan. With a pen and paper in hand, I began jotting down the pros and cons, weighing each aspect carefully.


1. Potential Solution: Noah's plan could potentially solve his family issues and bring them closer together, providing him with the support and care he desperately craves.

2. Visibility: Being Noah's fake girlfriend could raise my visibility and status among our peers, possibly opening up new social opportunities.

3. Intimacy: Spending more time with Noah could allow us to develop a deeper bond and understanding of each other, potentially leading to genuine feelings.


1. Deception: The entire premise of the plan revolves around deception, which goes against my values and principles. It could lead to feelings of guilt and betrayal.

2. Emotional Toll: Getting involved in Noah's complicated family dynamics could take a significant emotional toll on me, impacting my mental health and well-being.

3. Uncertainty: There's no guarantee that the plan will work or that Noah's family will accept me as his girlfriend. I could end up investing time and energy into something with no tangible results.

As I reviewed the list, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at me. Despite the potential benefits, the cons outweighed the pros, leaving me questioning whether I was willing to sacrifice my integrity and emotional stability for the sake of Noah's plan.

With a sense of determination settling within me, I made a decision. Tomorrow, I would call Noah and confront him about the fake dating plan once and for all. No more wavering, no more doubts lingering in the back of my mind. It was time to seek clarity and make a definitive choice about my involvement in this elaborate scheme.

As I set my resolve, a mix of anticipation and anxiety washed over me. I knew that this conversation would be pivotal, potentially altering the course of my relationship with Noah and my own life. But I couldn't continue to exist in a state of uncertainty and indecision. It was time to face the truth head-on and demand answers from Noah.

With a deep breath, I prepared myself mentally for the confrontation that awaited me. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough, and I braced myself for whatever revelations awaited me on the other end of the phone call.

As the morning light filtered through my window, I wasted no time in reaching for my phone. The first order of business was to call Noah and confront him about the fake dating plan. With each ring, my anticipation grew, but to my disappointment, there was no answer.

A wave of frustration washed over me, mingled with a tinge of sadness. Why was he avoiding my call? Did he regret our conversation about the plan? The questions swirled in my mind, fueling my growing irritation.

Just when I was about to give up hope, my phone buzzed with a notification. It was Noah returning my call. Despite my initial anger, a rush of relief flooded through me. I answered the call, my voice slightly trembling with a mix of emotions.

As we began to speak, my anger slowly dissipated, replaced by a sense of comfort in hearing his voice.

Noah's voice sounded casual as he answered the phone, unaware of the storm brewing on my end. "Hey, Sadie, you called so early in the morning, is everything fine?" he inquired, his tone light and unconcerned.

My blood boiled at his nonchalant attitude. "Fine? I'm in a hospital, Noah, again," I snapped, the words spilling out in a rush of frustration and hurt. "And you didn't even care to inquire about it. How nice. Is that how you're going to make everyone believe your dirty little plan?" My voice cracked with anger, the weight of my emotions heavy in the air between us.

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