Neil and Night(ch-2)

Start from the beginning


Next Day .

Night wake up , prepared breakfast for him. Get ready for colleage. He eat his breakfast and then he left for colleage. He reached colleage around 8 am , attended all his classes and get free around 3 pm in afternoon.

Then he follwed Neil and find out information about him.

Again today when Neil returning back to home , he looked at the same young man. He weared same brown cap and black jacket. He is little far away from Neil's car. But neil looked at him through the rear veiw mirror.

"is he the same guy who followed me yesterday, but why he following me . is he working for our rival company." neil talk to himself but he ignored it this time also.


After 2 days.

Night used to follow neil everyday and by now he gathered lot of information regarding neil. Today also he is following Neil. He followed neil  to his company. He parked his motorcycle little far away from  Neil's car.

When neil get out from his car , he looked the same young man through parking mirror.

" something is definatoly wrong. He has been following me for 3 days" Neil said to himselef when he saw young man in parking lot. He had ignored him for last 2 days but he didn't ignored him this time.

Neil enterened in his company and night go back.

Neil enterd in his cabin and sat on his office chair. He took out his phone and call someone.

"Hello boss" a voice greeted neil.

" Hello Mew, i want to talk to you about something, are you free now" Neil asked 

" yes boss , i am free now" Mew replied him.

" someone has been been following me for days. He seems to be quite unprofressional. He even didn't know how to follow someone. Can you find about him." Neil said.

" okay boss" Mew said and then he hang up the call.

In eveining when neil returing back to his home night following him. Night didn't know that someone is following him.


Next Day.

Night followed neil to his company. Neil know that night followed him but he didn't said a word. He get out of his car and enterned in his company. when night about to returned back 2 people blocked him.

" who .. are you." night asked then=m in shaky voice.

" first tell me who are you. We didn't see you before in the company. Are you spy or what." Mew asked him.

" i .. iam not a spy" Night said in little shaky voice.

" Then what are you doing " Mew asked him .

" firs..first tell me who are you. Why are you asking me so much questions." Night asked him.

" we are police officers, please show me your id card" mew said . Night hurriedly take out his id card give it to Mew. Mew looked at his id card and then looked at his face. Mew gave night his id card back.

" kid, please go back where you came from." Mew said in quet voice and then Night go back.

Mew take out his phone to call Neil, but neil didn't pick up up the call.

after 2 hours when metting is over, Neil pick up his phone and see that there is 2 missed call from Mew.

Then he call him back.

" actually Mew i was in meeting and i kept my phone on silent, that's why i didn't take your call. so what happened, did you find any information about that person or not" Neil said.

" sir, He is small child. He is only 19 years old" Mew said 

" ohh really. you send him back ,right?"

" yes" Mew replied.

"okay " Then he hang up the call.

After 2 hours someone knock on the door.

" Yes , come in" Neil said.

" khun ,  a person named  mew had come and he gave this envelope and told to give it to you." Nil's secretarty said. Neil take the envevelope and tell her secretary to leave and she left his cabin.

Neil open the envelope. He take out the photo from the enevelope . As he look at the photo he smirked. Actullay in envelope there is night's photo and he and night already met each other before.



Neil organzed party in his house . He orderd dinner from resturtant. Night deleivered neil's order. when Night gave neil's order to him, neil scolded him as night was little late.

" Boy ,why were you late. You should have deleiver order 10 mints earlier . you are 10 mints late." neil said.

" khun why are you yelling at me . If people in resturtant gave me order late than it's not my fault at all. When they gaye me your order only then i able to deleivered it to you, right. " Night replied in harsh voice

" you are arguing with me, you kiddo" Neil said in fierce voice.

" Yes khun because you are scolding me without my fault" Night replied.

" okay, there take the money for order" Neil gave money to night. Night gave neil change and then he left. Neil looked at night's back and smile slightly.r

Neil take the order and sit with his friends.

" what happened neil, why are you smiling" Neil's friend asked him.

" hmm, nothng" Neil replied with smile and then they all eat dinner.


 ."Hmm little bastard this time i didn't let you go and also teach you how to talk with your elders. just wait and watch" Neil said and started laughing.

*to be continued*

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