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'Jimin, you have to come to our wedding! Jungkook is your childhood best friend after all! He would have surely been with you if not for what hoseok did! He is feeling immense guilt and on top of it, he misses you! So would you mind attending our wedding? It would make our day, for real!'

The audacity the bitch had, to call me after manipulating me so badly, I would love to attend her funeral someday as well, not just the bloody wedding!

I agreed but there was something to be done before the whole marriage thing, which was supposed to take place exactly a week later!

They played with me and it was my turn to do the same!

I patiently waited for the D-Day!

Lexi was being walked through the altar by her mom. jungkook was at a distance, with a joyous smile in his face, his eyes lost in lexi who looked ethereal in her custom made wedding dress. I admit, she was looking great, her face and her figure were top notch, no wonder jungkook fell for her.

But he was too badly manipulated and lied to by her and I had no sort of empathy for him.

He stabbed me in the back and called himself a friend of mine. I mean, who tf in their sane mind lies that he/she was raped!
OH! I forgot... it's lexi we are talking about in here,.....

Jungkook was practically drooling with his gaze, his eyes fell onto mine for a second, but he averted it so quickly...

A shameless bastard, that's what he was!

Taehyung was by my side, his hand clenching on my shoulders, consoling me for lexi being in place of mine, as if I loved jungkook and I was dying to get married to him....

Another shameless bastard, consoling me, tryna act nice as if he was oh -so nice to me...

Right before they were about to take their vows, jungkook's mom climbed on the stage, as the attendees in there looked at each other, confused on what she was about to do....

She screamed right at lexi's face, striked her, snatched the bouquet from her hand, threw it in the sky, caught her hair and pushed her to the ground in such a vicious way, that her veil came off along with her hair extensions.

People were flabbergasted, as they all raised up from the seat to have a clear look at the ongoing soap opera on the stage....

'Mom!' Needless to say, jungkook was bamboozled, his to be bride was facing the rage of his mother for god knows what reason..

Jungkook's mom took me off by surprise when she striked jungkook as well. I almost laughed out loud..

The slap was so strong that he rolled down the stage, his body coming to rest right infront of my feet....
Oh! The benefit of being in the first table of the very first row....
God, bless my soul!!

'Such a fool!' She exclaimed, continuing right off to where she left,
meaning... beating the shit out of lexi..

Lexi's mom soon joined the scene as she pulled jungkook's mom from behind by her hair, screaming profanities at the crazy woman right infront of her..

Taehyung was glued to his seat, and jungkook was groaning down at my feet.

Mr.Kim quietly left the scene, being too embarassed of his wife. He didn't interfere in the shit-show his wife initiated...

Jungkook turned his head upwards me, while I simply stood up, and crossed over his laid body, heading towards my car...

I would not have been able to witness such choas had I not emailed jungkook's mom the copy of lexi's pregnancy report right half an hour before the wedding.

Anguish (Jikook/vmin) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz