So Near, yet so farfetche'd

Start from the beginning

"There you are Yellow & Misty." Ash spotted both of them

"Where were you both?" Glissle asked

"Were you looking for us?" Yellow asked

"Of course we were looking for you, did something happen?" Brock asked

Misty nervously said,"Well I spotted a Farfetch'd and wanted to try and catch but I kinda lost it."

"You mean you actually saw one? Ash just caught a shiny Farfetch'd." said Brock.

"Wow really lucky." Misty said

"Congratulation Ash on getting shiny Farfetch'd." said Yellow

"Thanks, Misty and yellow." Ash said with a smile.

"Here you go yellow, we filled up your watter canteen." Ash gave it to her.

"Thanks Ash." said Yellow putting it in her bag.

Misty opened her bag to take out something suddenly she noticed something horryfying as a pile of potatoes in hef bag instead of pokéball.

She said,"I must have picked up the wrong bag."

"Hub?" Ash, Glissle, Brock and Yellow asked

"Look." Misty dumped out the potates

The gang gasped at this.

"Misty, did you run into anyone when chasing Farfetch'd?" Ash asked

"Did I run into anyone, I did, There was a boy, His name was keith." Misty rememberd.

"He must have swiped your bag when you weren't looking we need to find that kid and now, your pokéballs and pokémon egg are in there." Glissle said.

"Pidgeot Go." said Ash

"Pidgeot (I am here)" Pidgeot asked

"I need you to fly around and see if you can spot the farfetch'd Mistu saw, when you do let me know." Ash told her.

Pidgeot nodded and flew off to find the wild duck pokémon

"Why did you have pidgeot go look for farfetch'd?"Misty asked.

"Beacuse something about this doesn't fell right." Ash said seriously

"A farfetch'd appears out of nowhere before Misty but then disappears and she runs into that guy."said Ash

"So its possible the two could be working together." Brock theorized.

"Yeah." Ash said. Then He and Glissle noticed the look of worry on Misty's face.

Glissle placed his hands on Misty's shoulder,"Don't worry we will get them back."

Mistumanaged to smile,"Yeah you are right."

There was a cry in the air that sounded very familiar looking up at the sky they saw it was Pidgeot,"Did you find Farfetch'd?"Ash yelled.

Pidgeot nodded.

"Good show us where." said Ash

Pidgeot flew off leading them to where he spotted the pokémon and the human it was with.


The gang was following Pidgeot through the forest.

"Seel" A pokémon voiced called out.

"Huh?" The group looked to the side and out came the single bloom pokémon

"Seel." Misty cried out happily to see one of her pokémon.

"Misty, if see is here that means the theif is nearby." said Glissle

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