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"If we won't made this, know that I'm glad that I met you"

Chaeyoung nudges Momo and glares at her as if she's saying it wasn't a good joke. Momo swallow her throat and tightly hold the tennis racket, she darted her gaze from Chaeyoung to the deads that are surrounding them.

Mina, Chaeyoung, and Momo's back are attached to each other while looking at the ugly zombies roaring nonstop

"We should head to the computer room, there are necessary things there we could use to call help" Mina stated sounded so alert. She's holding a crowbar that she grabbed in the storage room together with the long metal tube Chaeyoung was holding

"But they are too many, it is impossible to get there without us getting bite" Momo said with aghast

"Momo shut up!" Chaeyoung obnoxiously exclaimed



Momo scream as the deads roared, they are now heading towards them aiming to eat their flesh...

"Darn it, peach!!" Chaeyoung snorted before hitting a zombie in her front

"RUN!!" Mina cried out and furiously face the walking dead, every turned's head she hits with the crowbar cracks open and their flesh coming out

'gross' Mina thought when one of the dead flesh spilled on her face, now she's bathing their blood

Momo on the other hand keep screaming while  randomly swaying the tennis racket, one zombie grabbed the racket making Momo squall more then let go the racket

"YAHH" she was stumbled and a zombie now hovering her

"Yahh help me! Let me go!"

Chaeyoung cursed dryly when she saw her friend being hovered, she ran towards them but numbers of turned block her way

"C-chaeyoung ahh" Momo plead but her friend is now block, she manages to get rid of the dead and run but like Chaeyoung she was blocked

Mina can't do anything as she also encircled by the zombies. She knows that they'll not make it through the computer room. Mina just closes her eyes never want to see how her friend will be bitten, she herself ready to accept their fate

"Mina fight..!!"

She open her eyes again when Chaeyoung shouted, they look at each other's eyes for a few seconds, the Cub cuts their stare contest first and went back to fight...

Mina was awakened, and her fighting spirit rush all over her system... She'll not be bitten without fighting back no matter what it takes she'll fight

She kicks the zombie and hit another zombie behind, she rolls down and grasp the foot of the turned to lift herself then quickly broke down his neck.

"You want it? Then take it!" She said when a dead held her coat to take a bite but she spins and let the zombie took her coat then hit the his face at once. His face cut into pieces

She got the chance to get near to Momo and grabbed her shoulder

"Yahh don't bite me I'm not delicious!" Her friend ranted

"Tsk follow behind me!" Mina said and the peach nodded

Momo saw how bloody Mina is and the metal she was holding indicating that she defeated numbers of lurkers already

She was behind Mina all the time until the deads corner them, they're already stepping nothing but a wall, Chaeyoung run towards them breathlessly, she has blood too but compare to Mina it's only stain

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