Performance unit

230 10 6

Dino: We are in China!

Minghao: I will go to my house.

Jun: Our.

Minghao: Our. 

Hoshi: Your house is my house.

Dino: Anyone's house is my house.

They all check in hotel.

Hoshi: Jun and hao in one. Dino and me in one.

Dino: There are 4 rooms. I will sleep alone and in farther one. ( went)

All went in.

At night.

Hoshi hear knocking on door. He stir and went to open. Dino was standing there with pillow in hand.

Hoshi: You were sleeping alone.

Dino: I saw bad dream.

Hoshi went in. Dino follow him and close door. Hoshi lay on his bed, sleeping. Dino lay beside him. Putting pillow under his head and hugging Hoshi.

At morning

Jun and Hao came in Hoshi's room.

Hao: Dino said he will be sleeping alone?

Jun: Our maknae is still a baby.

Both lay. Jun beside Dino and Minghao beside Hoshi. They hug and slept.

After waking up.

Dino: How you are here?

Jun: How you are here?

Dino: I saw a bad dream then came here.

Jun: We wanted to sleep with someone.

Dino: Hao?

Minghao: Other then Chinese members.

Dino: Wait. Woozi hyung calling. Hoshi hyung!

Hoshi came and took. He answer.

Woozi: Kwan is irritating me!

Hoshi: Good morning too alpha. ( wiping his hairs)

Woozi: He is irritating me. 

Hoshi: What he did now?

Woozi: Next chapter.


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