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Joshua: My Bong! ( crying)

Jeonghan: We will buy new. Stop crying.

Joshua: I will kill you then say I can have another Alpha. ( angry)

Other laugh at Jeonghan.

Hoshi: Don't worry hyung. Mingyu is on it. Sewing it.

Joshua bong plushy got teared mysteriously. Joshua love it a lot and is crying for it. Well... his pre heat hormones are also making him more emotional.

Joshua: Who teared it!!?

All shake their head. Joshua glare at each of them. Why Woozi can't match his eyes with him?

Joshua: Woozi ya!!! You did this!!!

Woozi ran. Joshua chase him. All laugh.

Woozi: Shua hyung sorry. Accidently.

Joshua: What were you doing with my BONG!?! ( chasing him)

Woozi: How will I say that I was punching it? ( think) I wanted to write a song on it.

Joshua: Why my- BONG! ( ran to Mingyu)

Mingyu: Your bong alright. Operation successful. 

Joshua: Thank you!. ( kiss his cheek and left with bong to room)

Hoshi: What were you really doing with bong?

Woozi: Taking my anger out. Don't tell him.

Dino: Maybe I should tell. ( going)

Woozi: Fine! A treat from my side.

All cheered.


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