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Dino: Hyung your statue falling!

Mingyu quickly hold. He get busy in it. Scoups glare at Kwan.

Wonwoo: What are you making?

Mingyu: Trying to make S.coups hyung model.

Seungcheol: Aww! and I broke it. Hmph!

All look at him. Dino smack himself. S.coups realize. Mingyu stand after setting his statue properly.

Mingyu: You want dirt on your cheek or on your hairs?

Seungcheol: Shit! ( ran)

Mingyu:  I MADE IT IN 2 HOURS!!! ( run behind him)

Seungcheol: Sorry!

Mingyu chase leader whole dorm and throw mud on his face. All laugh. Mingyu left him after making his face look like statue of mud. 

Mingyu: Be warned. ( warn him)

S.coups nod. Mingyu went. Other laugh at him. Some click pictures and post on instagram.


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