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he promised me, he promised me he wouldn't miss our date at all. not to mention he was the one who planned this date out, how do you plan something and forget it?

i left the restaurant quickly with anger running down my body, there was so many emotions running inside me but mostly it's anger.

i took off my heels to make me speed walk faster back to the castle, thank god it wasn't far from the restaurant or i would've lost it.

i walk in the castle feeling the warmth and the smell of pumpkin bread from the great hall, i walk to the slytherin common room and went straight to my dorm.

i slammed my door dropping my heels before sitting on my chair then took off my make up, i was trying so hard not cry but i failed miserably.

i wiped my tears with my cotton pad before throwing it in the bin, a loud knock was heard at my door.

i knew it was lorenzo for sure, "who is it?" i asked still.

"it's pansy!" her voice yells, i sigh in relief opening the door for her revealing her and blaise.

"oh blaise." i said surprised.

"what's up." blaise says.

"so what brings you two here?" i ask crossing my arms.

"we heard, about lorenzo ditching your date." pansy says playing with her fingers looking at blaise before looking back at me, "and i feel like you should know where he was." she says.

my heart was beating so fast, "what happened?" i ask throwing my arms back down.

pansy looks at blaise then he sighs looking at me, "lorenzo was at the black lake, at your guys special spot with ciara."

my heart dropped, "ciara? are you kidding me." i said with anger.

"i'm sorry y/n." blaise apologizes.

"it's whatever, thank you guys for telling me." i fake smiled.

"speaking of the devil.." pansy says as blaise and her both left my dorm and lorenzo walks right in.

"no, leave!" i shouted.

"no no, let me explain. i know they told you and it's not what it looks like." lorenzo says trying to grab my hand but i yank my hand away and pushed him away.

"you were with another girl at our spot? do you know how dirty and disrespectful that is? especially when you left me at the restaurant for an HOUR." i yelled at him, "not to mention YOU planned the date, how do you plan something then forget it." i added.

"y/n please lower your voice..let me explain." lorenzo says shutting my door, "ciara took me there okay? she took me there because her and jack broke up." he explains.

"oh." i said wiping my tears.

"and she needed advice, that's it nothing more. i lost track and my phone was on the grass so i didn't know you texted and call, i'm really sorry." he apologizes, "i'll make it up to you, tomorrow wake up. i'll take you to eat breakfast then brunch then i'll take you out to a fancy dinner okay? i'll buy you anything." he smiles taking my hand, i sigh sniffling as he brings me into a hug.

"i hate you." i mumbled on his chest.

i hear him laugh, "i love you too."

YALL im on spring break! we are active and ready i'm so sorry guys i had exams and crazy stuff but im alive and well.

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