tom riddle

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˚⋆𐙚  y/n pov

he was so fucking careless, he didn't give a shit.

i waited for him at least an hour, i decided to order something to go for me to eat and just cry.

as i was waiting for my food, a random girl comes up to me.

"you are so pretty and you deserve better, i'm gonna add a dessert into your bag for free." she says.

i put my hand up to my chest, "you are so sweet thank you so much." i got up and hugged her tightly but not to tight.

"here you go." she says grabbing the bag from the counter handing it to me, i wipe my tears before grabbing the bag from her hand.

"thank you so much, have a great night." i smiled, she waves goodbye as i wave back as well then left the restaurant.

as i step out of the restaurant, the cold hits me and the wind blows my hair.

i sigh then started walking back to the castle, it was so cold i was literally shivering so badly. luckily the castle wasn't so far so i was relieved.

i made it to the castle in one piece feeling the warm air hitting me so i was warming up.

everyone was walking around the castle and everyone is chatting happily with each other. i walk to the slytherin common room then to my dorm.

when i walk in my dorm i immediately broke down, he never cared for me. never. he never apologized, i was always the one apologizing at the end of the day.

i took off my makeup and took off my dress then kicking my heels off, i changed into my pjs then sat at my desk eating the food i took back here.

i ate my chicken alfredo pasta crying, as i was eating my pasta a soft knock was heard at the door.

"who is it?" i asked.

"me." tom familiars voice spoke.

"no, get the hell away." i yelled then turning back to eating my pasta again.

"y/n, please don't do this." he says.

"no! i'm so tired of you fucking me over, i'm not apologizing for you ditching our date. not to mention you were an hour late! fuck you!" i yelled getting up going towards the door locking it.

"y/n don't lock me out. you know we always sleep together." tom said.

"no fuck you, go back to your dorm and don't bother me again." i said then switched the lights off pretending i went to bed, i sat back down and lit a candle up finishing up my pasta and my dessert then just went to bed.


it was the next day and i was super tired still, i decided just to put on my uniform and just put my hair up in a low bun. i did my normal routine in the bathroom then left to the great hall. i grabbed breakfast and sat with my friends, as i was eating my bacon i look to my right to find tom looking at me. i looked away from him.

"ready to go to class?" mia asks, i nodded leaving with her to DADA class.

we walked in class going to our assigned seats sadly, i sat at my table and started on our assignment that was on the board.

as i was reading my textbook someone sits right next to me, i knew who it was.

"tom, what are you doing here. aren't you supposed to be in earth magic?" i ask annoyed.

"not till you talk to me." he coldly says sitting down on the chair next to me.

"tom, someone sits there." i said.

"they're gonna have to wait then." tom shrugs, i groan annoyed. "we'll talk after all our classes? i can't with you right now."

"fine by me." he says then leaves the class, i roll my eyes at him.


finally class was over and it was time to relax, luckily tomorrow we have a break so i can just sleep.

i left my potions my class and went to go find tom, usually he'd be in courtyard with his brother and friends.

i walk to the courtyard and scanned for him till i found him, i walked over to him then started to slow down a bit when he finally noticed.

"i'll see you guys later." tom tells his friends, his friends say bye to him then they greet me.

i greet them back before leaving with tom, "where do you wanna go?" i ask.

"lets go to the common room." he replies, i nodded. "here give me your books." he says.

"you don't have to." i told him.

"no, i don't mind." he replies, i give him my books then we walked back to the common room.

we entered the common room and went straight to the couch, luckily no one was here so it was just us two.

he sets my book down on the table as we both sat down on the same couch then faced each other.

"okay, well explain yourself." i spoke.

"i'm sorry." he says, i was taken back. he never apologized. "i realized my actions when i sent that text, i knew you were gonna be more angry at me from the text, and just the thought of losing you made me feel miserable. i'm really sorry doll." he says grabbing my hands then kisses them, my heart warmed up.

"it's okay." i replied.

"i'll take you out tomorrow, i'll buy you anything you want." he says.

i smiled, "no you don't have to, i just want you."

"i love you." he smiles.

"i love you too tom." i smiles caressing his cheek, he gives me a kiss then puts more aggressiveness into the kiss.

"wanna go to your dorm?" he smirks.

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