Chapter 62: Our Ruin They Wield

Start from the beginning

"That would be the hard part. But they seem to know things about this fight that we don't—we need to find them." Jack tapped his staff. "What did they call you? A past-traveler?"

"Yes. I think they made that term up, though. Other things to do with my powers, I know what they are without anyone telling me. Like 'Echo.'"

Elsewhere in the house, feet thumped down the hall. Jack sighed. "I know this probably doesn't help, but I think Sophie might let you keep that dress if you ask nicely." He gave me a small smile. Jamie and Sophie had survived the storm.

My cheeks warmed a little at that suggestion. I looked down at my clothes, however. Mud splattered across the outfit. My chest twinged. Hopefully Mom could wash it out. "Perhaps."

"Maybe she could be your friend. She's around your age. I could always bring her to Windshallow to visit."

The wind outside calmed, and the heater shut off, and we were left in complete silence aside from the laptop's whirring.

I hadn't had any time alone since the Guardians first arrived, and it weighted my shoulders and chest. The silence here spoke of pretend solitude. But I wouldn't be able to really be alone for a while if I wanted to stay safe.

I glanced around the room once more. "I'm ready to leave." At least most spirits didn't need sleep, so I didn't have to worry about any dangerous supernatural beings creeping up on me while I was unconscious. No more waking up terrified in the night.

Jack walked toward the window next to Zo's bed. As a spirit, I could go through them now as well. I shuffled toward him.

Jack turned to me and opened his mouth, but no sound emerged. The hum of the laptop vanished. The sensation of the solid floor beneath my feet disappeared. The world darkened.

The scene that formed in its place was Ranya's room. Dark. She slept in her bed under the window; she was curled up toward the wall. And though I couldn't see her face, the plants filling her room were the ones she had now, so I guessed this was near the present. The slow unsynced breaths of my other family members elsewhere sounded like discordant music.

Ranya's calm washed over my chest like soothing waves. I like trees, came her thoughts. They're so friendly. So I could still perceive thoughts and feelings in visions.

The air behind me shifted. I strained to see who or what had caused it, but couldn't move. I could only watch as someone approached with slow, quiet steps and low breaths. He soon came into view: the Watcher. My heart beat rapidly at his closeness.

I sensed no emotions from him. No thoughts, either.

He stopped a few inches from the bed and looked down at Ranya.

And the vision vanished.

By the time I returned home, the rest of my family had already gone to bed. All except Ranya.

She typed on her laptop at the dining table, a simple light fixture glowing above her. The rest of the house was dark.

"I need more plants," she said when she caught me looking. "And I thought you might want some company for a little while."

I bit my lip. "Ranya... I need to tell you about something."

She seemed to realize the seriousness of the situation and closed her laptop, her bright green eyes piercing. "What is it?"

I glanced behind me at Jack to ask him to please leave. He seemed to know what I wanted without words, for he just nodded and headed upstairs.

It was a cloudless night. The Moon shone full and purple above Windshallow, directly through the dining room window.

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