Chapter 6: Since Control Was Lost

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(Content/trigger warnings for this chapter: anxiety)


"And as such," North said. "We need to set rules for your family."

"No! Wait—" I tried as soon as I had processed the shock. It felt like an unholy being had floated into the room.

"North—" Dad attempted.

"Rule number one: each family member will be protected by a Guardian at all times," said North. "Isabelle, you'll be with Jack until we defeat Pitch. Zachary will be with Sandy, Ranya with Tooth, Mrs. Kirkwood with me, and Mr. Kirkwood with Bunny."

"Wait, I—" Ranya tried.

"Rule number two," North interrupted, "don't tell anyone about this except for other family members, and only if necessary. We're trying to keep our new Guardian a secret until time comes."

"North—" I tried.

"You must—" added Dad.

"And rule number three: I shouldn't need to tell you this, but stay out of harm's way." North gave Ranya a knowing look.

"I won't be—" I tried.

"Isabelle, the Man in the Moon says you have powers."

"But—" Something spun madly in my chest.

"You'll need to find your center, what you protect in children when you fight Pitch. Mine is wonder, Bunny's is hope, Sandy's is dreams, Tooth's is memories, and Jack's is fun. Your spirit job will help bring your center to children."

"I—" The spinning grew quicker.

"Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you—how you will become spirit like us."

"I'm not—" Let me speak!

"Wait—" Ranya tried.

"North!" Dad shouted.

"Manny couldn't turn you into spirit right now; you need much positive belief and love, unless you die first like Jack. Manny says you have much already, though not enough. I'm so sorry. The process has already begun, and it's irreversible. Our symbol, a white 'G,' will appear on palm of your left hand as you get more belief and love. When the symbol is complete, you will become spirit. Manny said this is in case Pitch plans to kill him; he needs to make sure you will still become Guardian."

I threw my arms out. The spinning grew madder. "I'm not gonna be a—"

"We must act immediately," North said. "Pitch's return so soon is very suspicious, especially with everyone being able to see Terror Storms, not only those who believe in him. You Kirkwoods can see us even because you are family of the new Guardian, but most unbelievers still cannot."

Dad finally stood, his body rigid. "Your enemy threatened to kill my daughter if she joins you, and you're still enforcing this?"

"Man in Moon would have taken this into consideration when choosing Isabelle," North said, his shoulders slumped. "I don't like it either, but the symbol has already been put in place. And if she defeats Pitch, she will not have to worry about him killing her. I trust the Man in the Moon."

"I don't."

"I can't be your Guardian!" My chest tightened. My gaze darted outside, the threat of the darkness growing on my mind. Demons, Pitch, ghosts... "I don't want to die!"

"And you won't," Dad said. His eyes turned sharply to the Guardians. "You need to leave."

"Wait—" Ranya said.

"Mr. Kirkwood—" North said.

Jack raised a hand. "We can protect Isabelle from everything else if we stay. The storms, and whatever's been paralyzing people after them. That was part of the deal, while she's still in danger." It was true. But couldn't the Watcher command them to stand down anyway?

"Isabelle," Bunny said, running a hand over the fur on the top of his head, "People are dying, mate. We need you." Guilt tugged at my heart. I wanted to help people, but with my anxiety, I couldn't.

"Perhaps this is what you need to get over your fear, Isabelle." Mom tilted her head to the side with her lips pressed flat. Her eyes were blank and glazed over. "After all, won't you be in danger until Pitch is defeated?"

My heart pounded, and I looked down. Ranya's gaze narrowed at Mom.

"Neither of you is helping," Jack scolded. He turned back to me. "You want to be safe, right? You want someone to protect you against dark creatures and evil spirits?" Yes. I wanted to be calm at night, have a protector who did more than warn me.

"You can't live like this forever," said Mom.

"If I were a Guardian, that's when I'd be living like this forever. I've never been attacked before. If I become a Guardian, dangerous beings will target me!" I glanced out the window at the growing darkness again. Fear, terror, terror...

"I won't let that happen to my daughter." Dad clenched his fist.

"Isabelle, listen to me," Jack said. "Guardians protect each other."

"What about the Watcher?" I said. "He could command you to step aside while Pitch came for me."

"The world needs your help," Mom told me, rubbing Zachary's arms. "Haven't you always loved helping people, Isabelle?"

Jack threw his arm out. "None of you are helping!" He met my gaze. "Isabelle, we protect children. I don't know how we'll deal with the Watcher, but we'll figure something out. Even if you make use leave, that symbol is gonna appear on your hand, and you'll eventually turn into a spirit."

My heart pounded harder at that realization, making me tremble with each beat. I had no control over this whatsoever. "Fine."

A fizz sounded behind me. I spun to see a familiar pink disc spinning rapidly in the air. "Lotus?" I called. Ranya stumbled off the couch and followed me toward the disc, gripping the armrest tightly. The Guardians strode behind us.

"Lotus?" I called again. The disc widened, then shrank, then widened again.

"Isabelle?" came a fractured voice.

"Lotus, the Guardians told me I should join them. Is it all right if they stay at my house, though I don't agree?"

The disc widened, then shrank again. "Y-yes... Isabelle, you—"

The Time Rift fizzled out.

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