Chapter 18: The Battle Amidst

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(Content/trigger warnings for this chapter: self-hatred)


Bones clattered beneath me in the dark. Wind rushed past my body. I crashed into something hard, and then slammed into what felt like the floor, pain bursting along my side. But I sucked in a breath and after a few seconds, was able to pick myself up, sliding out my phone and turning the flashlight mode on.

One Fear Angel, the one Dakota had commanded, reached out and paralyzed the others. Their mouths hung open and they clutched one another as they dashed out the doors I had come in through. The commanded creature raced after them.

I shone my light around the large, tall gym and its potholed floor. Where had Pitch gone? Was he in the halls? On the roof? Outside?

So I faced the only other person in the room. I still needed her help. Even if she couldn't hurt Pitch, she could kill Fear Angels. "You saved me again," I said. "Thank you."

Dakota rose from the floor. "You're welcome."

I swept my light across the room again, casting the glow into each corner. "We need to get out of here before Pitch comes back."

"That was Pitch?"


"No wonder he was so powerful..." She shook her head and turned her own phone light on. "I have to kill him before he does anything worse."

"That's what I want to do. But now's not a good time. We need more power, and then we can hunt him."

Dakota pursed her lips. The light of my phone flashed in her eyes. "Ranya, you should know that someone wanted you to be here. She spoke through my body with I think your sister's voice, and used my powers to look like hers. Do you know why this woman wanted you to be in the school?"

I thought for a second and felt kind of pathetic when I said, "No. But we can figure it out together," I continued. "We just need time to plan."

Dakota put a hand on her hip. She opened her mouth, and a kind of pained expression crossed her face when she closed it. Then she opened it again. "Sorry. We may have the same goal right now, but I won't work with you." Dakota walked away. "Please leave me alone this time," she said over her shoulder.

"You can't fight Pitch alone. Not without a Guardian."

Dakota glanced over her shoulder again.

"I'm not saying you're not powerful, but clearly you weren't strong enough to win," I said.

"Maybe this time," said Dakota. She closed her eyes for a second, and then turned back around. Her colorful hair shone under my light. "He's not in the high school. There are still... Fear Angels?"

I paused as I realized, "You can sense darkness."

"Dark powers. And light ones, too."

"There's someone I need to find who has light powers," I said. Tooth at least had a center, and that had to be something.

"Please leave me alone. I said I wasn't helping you." And then Dakota dashed out the doors in the back corner. But I need your help!

I rushed to follow, sharp pain spiking through my side and legs. Surprisingly, our path through the blade-like cracked halls was void of Fear Angels. Maybe most had been paralyzed, but I didn't even see bones on the floor. Where had the creatures disappeared to? Where had Pitch? Something was wrong.

I followed Dakota around a few corners, and then she burst into the band room. I went in after her. She made her way up the leaning platforms to the rusted closet with the flags. She yanked out one of them, then strode back down the steps.

"That won't help," I said. "I'm sorry. You need a supernatural weapon to hurt Pitch or the Fear Angels."

Suddenly her gaze shot to me, and her eyes went wide. I caught sense and ducked.

I felt a dark presence behind me, and before I knew what was happening, Dakota shouted, "Die!" and flicked her wrist. When no glowing purple bolt shot out, she leaped over me and toppled into the floor behind.

I spun around and jumped back because I didn't know what else to do.

Nothing stood there but a tall, translucent shadow.

Then it vanished.

Dakota stood, and I whipped my phone's light around. Something stirred on the floor in the middle of the room.

Wisps of shadows drifted across the banged-up tile before forming the words: "Tell your precious friends I know their little secret, Ranya."

Then they melted away.

Dakota and I stared at the spot for a few seconds, me reeling. Who was that? Pitch? How does he know my name? I glanced around for any dark being's return, but spotted nothing. What does that threat mean? "Secret?" I mumbled. "I don't even have friends." But self-hatred still began burning in my chest. What had Pitch figured out about me? Had it been something I did? How could it be used against my sister, the Guardians, and me?

Dakota closed her eyes. "The Fear Angels are leaving. Why on earth was this school attacked?"

"I don't know. The only thing I can think of is Pitch wanted to paralyze people, but that doesn't sound right. Why would he attack Windshallow High School of all places? I think the being who possessed you is working with him, but I don't know why they wanted me in here. To paralyze me and stop me from taking my sister's place?"

"When do you think he'll come back?"

"I don't know." I took a deep breath. "That threat will only put my sister in more danger. Please help me protect her, Dakota."

Dakota turned away and walked toward the opposite door. I couldn't read her tone when she said, "You should go join the others. I'll stay here until Pitch comes back."

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