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Alden was asleep, but Sebastian lied awake, pieces of the night before running in his mind.

The gentle caress of their kiss, and eye sparkling under the moonlit room...

The soft squeaking of the bed, and her moaning, soft scratching on his back...

Gentle vulnerable touches, light skin slapping...

He still lived in the world that made it seem like he was a disgrace to like outside his race.

He lived in the old fashion world that made it look wrong. His mother and father were against it, saying it wasn't right to intermingle with other races to create these children or to combine cultures that were so different.

Being brought up in that environment, made him live in denial, and he's finally breaking free of it.

He watched Alden sleep, her whimpering every now and then.

He rose from the bed, deciding to call Javi.

" Is she okay? Man what happened? " He heard him ask.

"Her mom past away two days ago. " Sebastian pulled at his hair. "And we made love last night and I forgot the condom. " He was in grievement and worried for the future.

" Was your pull out game weak? "

" Yes Javi. I didn't want to pull out. I didn't even know I came until I realized that I went from 100 to 0 real quick. " He kept rubbing his face.

" Damn it was that good? Can I hit it one time?"

" No fool. "


" No. "

The two talked for a little until Alden woke up to an empty bed. She called out his name making him end the call to tend to her.

" Yeah. " Sebastian leaned against the door way.

" I thought you left me. " She whispered.

"I'd never leave you baby girl. Especially like this. " He sat on the edge of her bed.

Her eyes held light bags, face slightly wet from tears, hair lazily put in a half ponytail.

"Alden. "

She stood up to take a shower and wash her hair.

"Hey. I'm going to go and make a few runs. I'll be back later. I'm sending somebody to be with you until I get back. "

"Okay. "

Sebastian left, not even thirty minutes after he left Javi arrived.

" Hey Javi."Alden smiled weakly.

" Hola princesa." He returned the weak smile, wrapping his arms around her.

He pressed a gentle kiss on her head.

They say on the couch, Alden cuddled into his side, a blanket covering her.

They watched tv in silence, nothing really they can say, until Javi felt brave.

"Hey Alden, how do you feel about Sebastian. "

"I love and hate him. But right now I want nothing more than to not feel empty. Like he does... besides my mom... pasting away. " She let out a silent whimper at the new phrase.

"How do you feel now... with me? " He asked.

" I don't know." She blushed, him leaning in a lot closer than he was.

"Can I ask you something? "

" Yeah. " She whispered, nervous.

"Can I kiss you? "

Alden gasped slightly, which Javi took to kiss her.

Things escalated to things that shouldn't. Alden was so emotionally unstable, anybody willing to make her pain away she granted. She just wanted to be happy again or have something to fill that gaping hole in her chest.

Javi left as soon as Sebastian walked through the door. He peeked in her room to see her asleep. He shrugged setting the groceries down and putting them up.

Sebastian didn't have a clue as to what happened, but sooner or later, he will.

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