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Behind closed doors...

Sebastian stayed the night, cuddled on the twin size bed.

Chris and Lauryn were walking around the campus, seeing a few of their classmates.

But Eric, dearest Eric, was tangled between a bed sheet and a boy he had never met.

Keep in mind he wasn't gay or bisexual.

He screamed in a manly sorta way, hoping out of the bed, only to fall down, due to his soreness. He look down at his naked self and grabbed the sheet, screaming once finding at the naked stranger. A pair of boxers caught his eye and slipped them on.

" Who the fuck are you? " He clutched a blanket he found at the foot of the bed.

" I'm um... Garth Hempsey. " The attractive boy with dark red hair and green eyes was still on his back, voice thick with the morning blues.

"Why are you here? Why are you naked? Why am I naked? What happened last night?" Eric asked frantically.

" You're a screamer in bed, you know that? But anyways, it's quite odvious that we slept together. " He leaned up, his hair falling in his eyes. " You're also a badass bottom. Fuck, it was amazing. "

"I'm not gay though. "

"You were hitting on me like you were at that Party. " He had a smug smirk, "You must be feeling karma. "

"Garth, you need to leave. " He blushed furiously, his skin tinted a deep red. His blue eyes were pricked with confused tears, and his blond hair wildly spread on his head.

"Alright. You have my number so hit me up when you're bored. " He replied nonchalantly. " Oh that chic, Alden? Give her my number too, I think she lost it. And give my number to her friend Sebastian. I'd bottom for that. " He smirked, winking at him.

He left, leaving Eric in a mass of feelings.

Eric trace his jawline, memories flooding his mind.

With Chris and Lauryn, they were sitting in the cafeteria.

" I wanted to tell you something, Ryn. " Chris sighed, his dark brown eyes looking down.

" What's up? "She placed a hand on his knee.

" Remember when I told you that I don't really catch permanent feeling?" He placed a hand on hers. "I lied, I really like you. "

" Oh, Chris. I really appreciate you telling me this. But I don't like you like that. "

He nodded,already knowing the deal. " I figured. "

"I'm sor-"

" I swear it's nothing. Just a crush with a girl."

He stood, " I see you next semester."

Chris went to say bye to the others before getting in the cab and off to the airport.

" Seby move. " Alden pushed her bestie out the way to run to the bathroom.

Once she came back, Sebastian held her in his arms.

" I am so sorry. "

" For what? " She asked.

" I got you knocked up. "

She sighed, laying on the bed. " Again its not confirmed. Could be a hangover. "

" Maybe. But I doubt it. "

The two just stared at each other, silently reminiscing.

"Do you know Garth?" Alden bit her lip.

" Ugh Yeah. " Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"He and I slept together before. "

"Ew Why ? "

"Cause his dick... Jesus, its blessed and highly favored. " She smirked, giggling slightly.

" Ugh. What about mine? "

"It's blessed, but I wanna know what that mouth do though. " She winked at him.

"Fuck you. " He laughed.

Alden moved herself unto Sebastian's waist, him gripping her waist.

"Alden, if you are pregnant, do you think we can still be friends? " Sebastian questioned.

"Sebastian, I don't want to be just friends. Why can't we be more?" She bounced slightly.

"You're beautiful, gorgeous, flawless even... but I don't think I like you like that. "

"Then why do you give me that look, those kisses, and let me sit on you like this? "She frowned.

"I don't know. " He whispered, looking at his chest, son looking at the way Alden was sitting on him.

"I'm sick of you. " She grunted, getting up, and walking out.

She didn't know where she was going. She was just walking away.

Sebastian laid back on her bed, sighing. He saw her phone, and decided to go through it. Her lockscreen was on pattern. He knew it was an 'S'.

In her phone, the background was him and her, they were smiling, facing each other, having that 'I'm in love with you ' stare.

He softly smiled, going through her pictures. It was one picture in particular that caught his attention.

It was the picture at the pier, when they went to the beach. She and him sat at the edge, cuddled together. She edited it to black and white and captioned it:

Let's work on forever.

He didn't expect for a tear to stream down his face. He took a picture of himself, him pointing to himself, him holding up the heart that he keeps on his neck, and him pointing to the screen. He edited it and put it together, seeing it as her lockscreen.

He walked out, leaving her phone.

"Hope she doesn't get the idea that is the other love. "

Sebastian walked to his dorm, in denial that he was in love with her.

What a dumbass.

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