Day One: The Ship Has Sailed

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As the cruise ship began sailing, Natalia was on her room, drinking wine as usual. She stayed in the most exclusive room ever offered on the ship, where she had to spend the rest of the day laying in the bed. Still uncomfortable from the last curse she received, she was eager to endure the almost one month of the cruise ship journey.

She adjourned herself to stroll at the dining restaurant where she met a wonderful woman she had ever met.

She has brown eyes, a long hair and a husband.

Her eyes couldn't be more in love when she met that person across from her.

Wheile she was making ways to communicate with that person, she saw that they had communication issues. The man from that table next to her walked away from her. Natalia, being alone, moved from her reserved table to sit next to the girl she laid eyes on.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" she asked. The person in black nodded. She brushed her hair falling from her sides. "You look so beautiful. I wonder what made that man walk away from you."

"He broke the engagement off," she held her glass of water, chugging the contents of it like a normal person. "He was seen cheating on me with another person."

"I suppose that we've had a history of being cheated on, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Let's say I've been unlucky during the times that my partner and I had been dating."

She touched Natalia's hair, making her hold her hand too. "I like your hair. It reminds me of my mom."

"You think so?"

"I guess," she caressed her cheeks. "Meeting you was accident, indeedly."

"What does it mean?"

"Well, my lady, I've been so intrigued by your beauty."

"You better get into your room before your boyfriend catches you."

"But I don't have a boyfriend," Ethan behind Natalia was struggling to make feminine movements. "I've literally got out of relationship about a couple of months ago."

"That sucks," the woman said.

"I want to know you more. What is your name?" Natalia asked.

"Lett," she answered.

"Natalia," she offered her hands to shake hands with Lett, however the shaking hands turned into holding hands, thanks to Natalia's effort on trying to reverse the curse.

"Why... are you holding my hands?" Lett asked.

"Nothing," she answered, letting go. "I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to like... be intrigued by your beauty."

"I'm sorry Natalia, but I can't be in love with a woman. I'm straight."

Those words that Lett left were rocks stoned to Natalia.

"Let's bring you to your dorm?" Natalia, despite the pain she felt, offered Lett to bring her home.

"I will be more than honoured."

"My lady, may I have your hand?" she asked.

Their hands interlocked. As they exit the restaurant, there were many people, so they were confident to get out of the restaurant. Lett held Natalia's hands tightly.

I'm so in love with her...

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