Prologue: The Curse and Fate

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Ethan was on his way back to the States with his broken heart filled all over his chest — twirled across the Times Square as he ventured all alone.

His empty heart was still as cold as the Northern lands of Finland - however many times were caught that Ethan was cheating on his girlfriend of two months with another woman that she met in Australia — miles and miles ahead... that ended up breaking his heart over some bloke who lived with her.

He laid on the famous Square, illusions started to enter his mind, causing him to walk like a zombie.

Dizzy and fainted, he went home to the apartment where he could be lectured by one of the technical officers who would later reshape his fate — a fate so irreversible, that even the god of gods can't revoke that one fateful decision of his life—

But only on one condition will he return to the body he has.

"Ethan, you must find a girl that can truly love you and embrace your flaws. Love her with all your heart."

Before the world could revolve another one second, his body was found dead.

But his consciousness would later go to the almost-true human — single, unconscious and unmoved lady. A woman of 20, a widow to no one and a girlfriend to no one.

He woke up in his new body — a similar facial features as his male counterpart, has a softer skin, and has named herself Natalia Pangilinan.

"I can't live like this, but I need to fulfill what's needed to fulfill so that I can get out of this." Ethan, now Natalia, said.

Sounds very natural, but he, now a girl, would eventually get over this curse with figuring out the way back to what he used to be.


Natalia was beautiful, young and passionate about her dream in life. Ethan, as what she used to be, had moved away and left her apartment vacant to become a full-time traveller, documenting about her travels in life.

Ethan's lavish lifestyle made him the talk of the town, and even got interviewed on Good Morning America one time, but now, with Natalia taking over the socials, her username went from @ethanpangilinan to her new username @nataliapangilinan.

Many people were baffled by the sudden change, including his closest friends @jaiden and @shaynevianne, two of the most famous Instagram rich models. Faith commented, "Wow, Ethan! I never knew you would become a transgender!". On the other hand, Shayne expressed her support for Natalia's future success. "Our paths might not cross, but I wish you all the best."

Nonetheless, all of Ethan, now Natalia's supporters, supported her and her explanation though some people are still baffled over that.

By the time she reached London, she booked a cruise ship that could navigate her back to New York.

Back then, all that she care about, is wine, bedroom, property and other things. Riches, money, luxury and home are her dimensions.

Until she met Lett.

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