Rest Well King

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[Art above drawn by @/draw_EshO on Twitter]

Honestly speaking, the news of his passing still feels unreal to me. Akira Toriyama made so much of my childhood. The man contributed so much to my life when I was a kid and even now. I grew up with the original Dragon Ball, watched all of Z and Z Kai, watched all of GT (Even the Super 17 saga), and Super. Played so so so many of the games and more. I'm just getting into Dragon Quest and I just finished Chrono Trigger. Toriyama contributed so much to my life that it feels wrong to know the man has passed. He's touched so many lives far beyond my own, for lord's sake look at South America for how much of a cultural impact the man has had.

The Mangakas he influenced, the people who's lives he's touched, and every bit of addition he's done to the world. The man was a legend and I hope wherever he is now, in whatever afterlife there may be, that he is resting well. He more than deserves it for all that he's done, and was still doing, for the industry and the people around him. I'll miss the man and will treasure everything he's done that has influenced me.

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