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You were reading your book, extremely concentrated. The book was in the most important part of the story and you wanted to understand everything so you could move on to the next book in the saga.

Her reading was quickly interrupted by her friend, Dianna, running into the room, she looked scared.

"Did you see?" She asked you, you raised your eyebrows and placed the bookmark before closing the book.

"Saw what?" You asked, still sitting on the bed. She took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed.

"So you haven't seen it yet..." You were already getting irritated by the fact that she was beating around the bush instead of getting straight to the point.

"Dianna, what the hell happened? And why do you look nervous?" You ask and when you went to get your cell phone from the other side of the bed she screamed.

"No!" She said throwing herself over the bed and grabbing her cell phone before you could grab it.

That only made you more confused, why didn't she want you to see the phone? Something was definitely happening on the internet.

You sighed, and looked at her.

"What happened this time? Some lie? My next acting job was leaked? Tell me, Dianna! I'm getting nervous." You said.

"It was worse than that." This time you were more scared, and looked at her.

"It was Taylor..." You looked away and sighed, everything coming back to the surface in your mind. You decided to ignore it and pretend to be natural.

"What did she do?" You asked, still not meeting Dianna's eyes. She noticed this, and handed you her phone with an Instagram post open.

You looked at the screen, and within moments your eyes were full of tears, you were holding them back so as not to let them go at all.

It was a photo of Taylor on Instagram of her with her girlfriend, at least that's what you thought until you read the caption.

"I'm happy to announce to all my fans that I'm getting married next month, I love you all💗"

You held back the tears and handed the phone back to her. You got up from the bed and faced the window, in silence.

"I don't understand, Y/n. If you loved her, why did you leave her? It's obvious this engagement is fake!" Dianna called out to you from the bed.

"She's in love with someone else, Dianna." Dianna scoffed, and rolled her eyes.

"No, Y/n. She's just fooling herself by pretending she's in love with her. She loved you more than anything in this universe, and would never fall in love with anyone else again. She would never forget 4 years in 4 months!" " You took a deep breath and wiped away some of your tears. You turned to Dianna, who was looking at you indignantly.

"Do you love her, Y/n? If so, go get your wife back. If you don't do anything, she'll think you don't love her anymore. It's your choice." She warned you, and silently waited for your response.

"It's more complicated than you think." You said staring at the floor.

"Nothing was complicated between you and Taylor. You talked about everything, you almost never fought in 4 years, there was nothing you wanted that she wouldn't move mountains for you, Y/n!" Dianna said, and you didn't say anything because you knew it was true.

"I'll let you think alone, Y/n. It's your life, and so is the choice." She whispered and approached you to give you a hug which you returned.

"Don't lose the love of your life like I lost mine, Y/n." She told you in your ear and left the room, and seconds later the apartment.

Taylor Swift imagines (gxg)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora