Her girl

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You put on your red lipstick, the most striking one you had. She looked in the mirror more than a thousand times and went to put on some heels to at least have a more balanced height.

Her dress was black with shine, her makeup wasn't that heavy, except for her lipstick. Her hair was loose and had curls at the ends.

You checked a timetable 30 times, she had said she would pick you up at exactly 7, and there were only 5 minutes left.

You put on your best perfume and looked in the mirror again, you tried to take deep breaths to calm down.

Two more minutes had passed, you checked your lipstick again and made sure your dress wasn't wrinkled because you sat on the couch and got up every few seconds.

Two more minutes had passed, you looked at the clock again, there was only one minute left.

His heart started to race, what if she didn't come? Would she be late? And why was Y/n already thinking negatively if she wasn't even late?

It was seven o'clock, and you took another deep breath, you got up to look in the mirror once more when the campaign rang.

You only had time to grab your lipstick, card and throw everything in your bag before answering.

The moment you opened the door you were completely lost, she was stunning.

She wore beige pants, in a darker tone. A black top and a black coat that even covered part of the pants.

Her eyes met hers, those blue eyes instantly mesmerizing you.

"Wow... you're-" She suddenly caught in her sentence.

"Perfect. You are perfect." She stated looking up and down again. You blushed softly.

"Thank you, you look really beautiful too, Taylor." She giggled.

"You're just exaggerating, I'm casual. But you look more and more beautiful." You smiled embarrassed and looked away.

"We can go?" She asked, and you looked back at her, nodding your head.

You left the house and locked the door. You looked at the sidewalk and saw that she had a very nice black car. It seemed like that was your color tonight, everything was completely black.

She was walking in front of him and opened the car with the key.

She waited for you to get a little closer to open the car door for you.

"Ladies first, darling." She smiled, when you entered she closed the door.

She briefly ran to the driver's side of the car, she got in shortly after.

Furthermore, she put on her belt, and you had already put on hers. Likewise, she started the car, but remembered something.

"Do you have a specific taste in music? You can connect your cell phone in the car, feel free." She stated pleasantly.

You hesitated, your Spotify was full of playlists with her songs, you really liked her work, and now you were loving liking her.

You nervously scrolled through your Spotify until there weren't millions of her songs, failing miserably.

She had the car running, but was not moving as she was adjusting the air conditioning temperature. She looked at you to make sure everything was okay, and couldn't help but notice on your phone that you had several of her playlists.

"Put any of these on, honey. Don't be embarrassed, I admire that you like my work, sweetie." You were very nervous, she saw what you were going through and still called you cute.

It was impossible for anyone in the world to be redder than you at this moment, Taylor gave a small smile that you didn't notice.

She started driving to the restaurant. You clicked on any playlist and started playing 'seven'.

The walk to the restaurant was very silent, you were both nervous, and it was obvious. It was your 4th date and on the last date you had kissed for the first time.

You weren't sure if Taylor wanted to pursue a relationship due to her busy and troubled life, which is why you were surprised when she asked you on a 4th date.

You thought it was just a casual thing, but this seemed like something that could evolve... no, don't overthink it! This is just a pass time, she is very busy and doesn't have time for a relationship at the moment.

You arrived at the restaurant in less than 15 minutes, Taylor got out of the car, but her door was locked when she tried to leave.

You realized she did it on purpose, just so she could open your door.

She opened it and offered her hand to get you out of the car, you accepted.

She didn't let go of his hand, at the restaurant door she was stopped to ask for the name of her reservation.

"Taylor Swift, table for two." She said, they talked about something that you stopped paying attention to looking around.

The restaurant looked very fancy, and very expensive. You certainly weren't used to this type of place.

She was quickly released, and they took you to her table.

She pulled out the chair for you to sit on and sat down in front of you. The waiter said that in just a few minutes

In a few minutes it would bring the menu.

"And then. How are you?" She asked smiling looking at you.

"I? I am fine. Fine and you?" You shot the question back at her, staring into her beautiful blue irises.

"I've been thinking about you all week, missing you. I thought you wouldn't accept my invitation because I was busy all week and that's why I couldn't meet you, I'm sorry." How could she be the cutest person in the universe? Apologizing for something that isn't even her fault.

"Don't apologize, your schedule is complicated, I know that." You stated reassuring her.

"But I should have made time to see you sooner, you're a priority too." You blushed, you were her priority.

"Am I your priority?" You asked, smiling embarrassed.

She hesitated quickly and looked away at the waiter who was coming over with the menus.

"Thanks." She thanked you and looked at you, who was still waiting for an answer.

"Okay, yes. You are my priority, I am dating you and I like to take things seriously. I'm not here messing with you, Y/n, I would never do that." She stated looking into his eyes, which conveyed complete sincerity.

She handed you one of the menus.

"Choice." She stated and began reading the menu carefully. You nodded quickly and opened the menu.

You couldn't help but widen your eyes when you saw the price of those things, it was more than you earned in an entire week.

Furthermore, you were grateful that she was focused on choosing her dinner and not looking at you.

It was all a very high amount, you had no idea how you were going to pay for it all later, but at the moment you would pay everything on your card and decide to pay the rest later.

"What are you going to order?" You asked with a desire to be influenced by her choice.

"Uhm... I believe number 13 on the menu, what about you?" She asked.

You opened the menu only to check number 13 again, and you definitely weren't going to order that dish because it had such a fancy name that you didn't even know what it was.

"I think I'll like number 31." You said and closed the menu to look into her eyes.

"It's thirteen backwards." She whispered to herself, you couldn't hear it.

"What?" You asked, she who was looking at the table returned to her eyes.

"You reversed order number is 13. I just commented on that. I think it was made for me." You blushed and looked down at her hands that were on the table.

"You don't even know me well..." You stated, still without looking her in the eye.

"If you let me get to know you, I will make good use of the things you tell me. Let me test my knowledge, or see if you change your mind. Are your favorite flowers still white and red roses?" She asked, that surprised you.

You told her that when you were a child, a girl in her class stole two roses from the flower vase at her house to give to you, and since then they have become her favorite flowers.

You told this story when she asked how you started wondering if you liked girls, your answer was almost a: "I've liked girls since I was born."

"Yes, those are still the case. It surprised me that you remembered that." You said with a laugh.

"I don't usually forget important things, I'll call the waiter, so we can place the order." She then called him over, you couldn't help but pay attention to her, she looked so beautiful.

"What is your request?" The waiter asked with a notepad and pen in his hand.

"We want plate number thirteen, please." Before Taylor could finish her speech, the waiter interrupted her.

"And your girlfriend?" He asked Taylor.

"She will want number 31, thank you very much. I'll also have a white wine. And you, dear?" Did she claim you were her girlfriend? Why would you want her to realize that?

"The same, please." You spoke nervously.

"And another white wine, thank you." The waiter left and Taylor looked back at you.

"What's wrong, honey?" She asked seeing his situation.

"Uh, nothing." You tried to quickly divert the topic, but she didn't want to go down that path.

"Let's go. Did I do something wrong? You can tell me everything." She said.

"It's not that. It's just that the waiter asked 'and your girlfriend, what does she want?' And you responded normally." Her face seemed to have understood now.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did that make you uncomfortable? I didn't mean to make you feel that way, I'm sorry." That's not what you were trying to say.

"It's not exactly that, I just wanted to understand what we are, and you confused me even more." You tried to explain hesitantly.

"I understand you." It was silent at this point, the two of you weren't looking at each other.

It didn't take long for the food and drinks to arrive.

"Your dish looks great." She smiled at you, you smiled back.

"You also seem to have great taste." You said looking at her plate, but she seemed to have thought of something else thing.

"It's no wonder I'm here with you, I have great taste, have you seen each other yet?" She asked smiling at you.

"Stop this! You're making me feel ashamed! Stop this stuff." You said trying not to look at her.

She placed a hand on top of yours that was resting on the table.

"You know I didn't lie in anything I said, don't you?" You swallowed hard, and looked away.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed, I appreciate that." She smiled at you and patted her hand.

You continued to eat in silence, and Taylor always looked at you with a look of love.

"How are the shows going?" You asked when you finished eating, she — who had already finished her plate — answered right away.

"Everything's great, this break is doing me a lot of good, I'm taking care of other important things in my life." She stated.

"And how is your work?" She asked back.

"Everything is normal, I was promoted a few weeks ago." You stated.

"I'll ask for the check, I want to take you somewhere before we end our night." She soon called the waiter and asked for the check.

He came back a few minutes later, you immediately went to get your card that was somewhere in your bag.

Taylor took the bill from the waiter's hands and opened it.

"How much is my share?" You asked when you found the card.

"None, don't worry about it. It is on me." She said and handed her card to the waiter, without even you having time to argue.

"You told me you'd let me pay for half the next time we went out!" You said, a small smile settling on her face.

"Maybe I said that, but I invited you and for that I paid." She stated, you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.

The waiter came back with her card and she got up and saw you looking sullen.

"Let's go darling. Don't be like that with me, I just want to take care of you, please?" She asked, and you really couldn't stay mad at her.

You nodded and stood up. She took you out of the restaurant, but didn't make you get into the car. She walked with you through the streets, until she found an ice cream cart.

"What flavor do you want?" She asked, you saw the menu and chose a vanilla one.

She placed the order and handed you your ice cream.

"And you?" You asked as you took a spoon.

"I'm not in the mood. Just enjoy yours." She said smiling at you.

You just walked aimlessly somewhere, Taylor increasingly nervous, her hands were shaking, and you didn't understand why.

You found a trash can and threw your cup of ice cream there when you ran out, and returned to Taylor's side to grab her hand, trying to calm her down.

The moment you took her hand, she felt how cold you were, and it didn't seem like it was because of the ice cream.

"Are you cold?" Taylor asked.

"A little." You stated nonchalantly, but she stopped walking immediately.

She took off her coat and handed it to you.

"View." She helped you put it on and placed one of her hands on her waist.

Her coat was very warm, and you were internally grateful that she was the cutest human being in the world.

"You seem nervous." You said and stopped walking.

She walked two more steps and stopped in front of you, still facing away from you.

"I am." She stated without looking at you,

"Why?" She asked. She turned around and looked into her eyes, she took a few steps and stood very close to you.

"I'm in love with you, Y/n." Taylor said, she looked quite embarrassed.

"I know we agreed to let everything be casual and happen normally, but I..." Taylor reached into his pants pocket and knelt in front of him.

And it was there, in that park full of trees, and only the streetlights illuminating you that she asked you to be her girlfriend.

"I'm madly in love with you, Y/n. I spend every day thinking about you, wishing I had you by my side. I sing, I write songs thinking about you. You occupy my mind 24 hours a day, and I want you here. With me." She smiled like a fool and looked at you before asking.

"Y/n, do you want to date me? Do you accept entering into the mess that my life is? Do you want to live a life with me?" You immediately smiled and ran to hug her.

"Yes!" She had the most beautiful smile on her face, she put her ring on your finger and hugged you.

"Thank you, I'm happy to finally call you my girl." She hugged you tighter and pulled you into a kiss.

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