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"Take her clothes." Taylor nodded and handed you the Barbie outfit. You put it quickly. 

"I think they're hungry." You agreed, you put your Barbie in the Barbie house that Taylor had, and I went to the other side of the garden to look for the Barbies' food.

You and Taylor are neighbors, she is 10 years old, and you are 8.

She already lived here when her parents moved, as soon as you were born they brought you to a house far from the city.

Taylor was 2 years old, Andrea and her mother became close very quickly. As the years went by, you started to be old enough to play with Taylor, she was like a big sister to you.

Her parents and Taylor's parents had a 'shared' garden because there was a little door that divided the garden between the two houses, so you were always together.

Right now you are in the garden area of Taylor's house playing with her, she always had more toys than you.

You always asked your father, but he said that toys were a waste of time and that you should mature, but you were only 8 years old, and you needed to hear that.

You felt safer at Taylor's house, her parents were always there, and they were much better than your parents.

"I thought!" You screamed from across the garden when you found the dolls' food." Taylor smiled and cheered.

When you got close she handed you your doll and placed hers sitting on the grass.

"Nhac, Nhac." She made the sound of the two dolls eating.

"Okay, I think they are full now." You nodded and grabbed a small hairbrush and brushed Taylor's doll's hair.

Her attention was quickly distracted to the front of her house, her father's car was being driven into the garage, that meant he had arrived.

"Y/n!" Taylor called her friend for the 3rd time.

"Yes?" You looked at Taylor, but you looked with a different expression now, like you weren't comfortable or happy anymore.

"What were you looking at?" She asked.

"Uh, n-nothing, it was just-" You were interrupted by a harsh scream coming from her father in the garden of your house.

"Y/n! Come home now!" He called out to you in an authoritative tone.

You had a sad face, and your gaze was down because you couldn't look him in the eye.

"But I'm still playing with Taylor!" You stated, he wasn't happy with your answer.

"I do not want to know! Get home now, or you will receive the consequences spoiled girls!" He shouted back, with that, he entered the house.

His eyes were full of tears, Taylor noticed that.

"It's okay, I'll fix everything." She hugged you, and after a few moments she walked away.

"I'll be here when you can come back to play." She stated, and you nodded and wiped away your tears.

You walked out of her garden, eventually entering your own garden.

You walked into the house, closing the door right behind you.

"What took you so long?! You're an idiot, you don't have to argue with me if I tell you to come in the house, you have to go in and that's it!" He said once again yelling at you, you just looked at the ground, your face covered in tears again.

"Stop being a crybaby and go get me a beer." He said laying down on the couch, you went to the freezer and took out the beer and handed it to him.

"Now go to your room and don't come out until I tell you to." You went up the stairs and locked the door to your room, and went to the window and watched Taylor putting away the toys, and you knew that she wouldn't play anymore because she only plays with you.

You watched that scene crying, just wishing your parents were more like, at least a little, like Taylor's.

As you watched her through the window, you saw her father coming home after a long day of work and running over to hug her.

You just dried some tears and cried yourself to sleep.

You woke up in the middle of the night to your parents arguing, you went to the door and tried to listen through it. That was something so common in his life.

"You gave me this girl, who I didn't even want! The least she can do to redeem herself for being born by accident is to obey me!" His father yelled at his mother.

"She's just a kid! Stop treating her like she's an adult. If she wants to spend her time playing with Taylor, just leave her alone!" Your mother shouted back, the fight was about you. Again.

Every time it was that. You couldn't take it anymore.

You covered your ears and pretended not to hear, you were already crying again. The last thing you remember was waking up the next day after apparently sleeping on the floor.

You wiped your eyes and stood up. You left the room, hoping that your father had already gone to work, and thank God he had already left.

Furthermore, you saw that there was a note on the fridge from your mother, you jumped up to get the paper.

Honey, Mommy couldn't make breakfast today, Mommy left last night and went to sleep in another place, but don't worry, I'm fine.

Dad and I just need some time apart, don't worry. I spoke to Taylor's mother, and she agreed for you to go to her house for coffee.

With love, Mom.

You went upstairs to change your clothes, and minutes later you knocked on Taylor's door.

It was Andrea who answered the door.

"Hey, Y/n. How are you?" She smiled happily at you. "Come on, come in. Make yourself at home."

You entered her house with little shame, Taylor was already drinking coffee at the dining table when you entered. She jumped up from her chair and came over to hug you.

"Y/n! I'm glad you're here, come have coffee with us!" She took your hand and placed you in the chair next to her.

You sat down, Taylor continued talking to you.

"Y/n, honey, do you prefer toast or pancakes?" You hesitated a bit, it had been a while since you had eaten these things, much longer since you had no choice about what you were going to eat.

"Uhm, anything is fine." You said, not wanting to bother him.

"Okay, I'll give you a little of both." She said, she put a plate for you and some orange juice.

"Enjoy." She said smiling at you.

"Taylor, do you want more?" She asked and Taylor shook her head.

"No, I'm full. Thank you so much, mom!" She said smiling and ran to hug her mother.

You tasted your food, it was so good! Taylor was drawing across the table. You heard someone coming down the stairs.

It was Taylor's father, he approached Taylor and placed a kiss on her head.

"How is my princess this morning?" He asked Taylor, she smiled.

"Good!" She stated, you smiled at them both. You so wanted it to be you.

"Y/n, I'm glad you're here." He told you when he noticed you, he came close and also gave you a little kiss on the head.

"Happy to see you too, Mr. Swift." You said, he chuckled.

"You know you don't need this formality, Y/n! You are family, almost a sister to Taylor." You smiled, you felt that this was a family, and not what was in each family.

Scoot left a few minutes after having breakfast, as he had to work, and soon it was Andrea's turn.

"Girls, I'm coming. Taylor, give her brother the coffee when he wakes up, stays safe, Y/n. Enjoy it a lot." She said and walked out the door.

Taylor was now painting a picture of her, you got up from the chair, taking your dishes to the sink.

And right there he started washing his plate.

"What are you doing?" Taylor asking appearing behind you.

"Washing my dishes." You said nonchalantly.

"That's an adult thing, you don't need to wash your dirty dishes." She said.

"My dad always tells me to wash the dishes, even if they're not mine." You said, she had a confused look on her face.

"This is not right. Come draw with me!" She stated, and took your hand pulling you to the table again.

She gave you some paper and colored pens.

You painted some meaningless things, drawing was never for you. She seemed to have finished the drawing, but she wanted to say something before showing it to you.

"I've been meaning to tell you something." Taylor said, you looked into her eyes.

"Sure, what is it?" You asked smiling at her.

"I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that might be why." She spoke, but then continued talking.

"I think you should come live with me, and we can be pirates!" She showed you her drawing, where it had the two of you in pirate clothes and hats on a big boat.

"I don't think my dad would let me come live with you." You said.

"He doesn't need to know." Taylor said it like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"He would probably look for me at your house and children can't be alone." You stated, she stopped to think a little.

"Uhm. You are right." She thought some more and soon had an idea.

"I already know! When I'm very famous with my music, I'll come get you and we'll sail around the world together!" She told you smiling and very excited.

"Are you really going to move?" You asked, a little sad, but you didn't want to show it because you knew it was Taylor's dream.

"I will, but only in a few years, and I will come and get you when you turn 18." Taylor said with certainty.

"Promise?" You told her, she nodded. You held out your pinky, as the pinky promise was the sincere thing for both of you.

"Promise." She held his little finger with hers. You both smiled.

"I love you from the moon to Saturn." She told you.

"Isn't that too much? How far is the moon from Saturn?" You asked, and by the look on her face, she didn't know either.

"I don't know, but it seems like a lot." You shrugged and hugged her.

"In that case, I also love you from the Moon to Saturn." You said.

After a few years, Taylor moved away when she was 12/13, and you had never felt so alone. You lost total contact because you didn't have
phone at the time.

Taylor went viral at 16, and you were still 14, she couldn't pick you up yet. She just wanted you in her life again.

On your 18th birthday, she went back to her hometown to try to find you. When she arrived in the neighborhood, she asked about you. They told her that you had moved out a few years ago.

Nobody knew where you were, she didn't give up on you, she searched the whole city, that's when she realized you weren't in the city anymore.

The only thing you didn't know about this whole story was that in the future Taylor would write a song about you.

'Seven' was for you, she would have many more songs dedicated to you if she still knew you.

Taylor just wanted you back.

Should I make a part two? I really don't know 😭

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