Our song

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You were going to that party you didn't want to go to, which was the best choice of your life. Six years ago, your friend begged you to go to a club because a boy she really wanted to kiss had asked her to go to the club.

You've always hated this kind of party, and after refusing her invitation thousands of times, you decided to accept it just to leave you alone.

You didn't even dress up much that day; you put on a dark red dress and let your hair down, not worrying if it looked good or not.

Furthermore, you did simple makeup; you just wore a really flashy red lipstick, but you really didn't want anyone that night to just accompany your friend. When we got there, it was a kind of private party. 

At the reception, the guard just released you because the man who had invited your friend went there to say that you were invited.

Well, most of the night you sat on the bar stool, and the dance floor was full of people. She was a little surprised to see some well-known people in the world of social networks and music, among others.

But all of them you only knew from having heard of them; you weren't really a fan of them.
You took a deep breath and turned to the waiter to order another drink. Just as you were about to pay, a hand appeared on the counter, holding a $100 bill.

You looked up to see who it was, and thank you.

"Pay for her drink and get me one of the same, please." Was it Taylor Swift? You were paralyzed for long seconds until she caught your attention again. 

"Are you accompanied?" You quickly snapped back to reality in that second. It was so confusing that you're talking to the person you've always admired for their work since you were a teenager.

"N-no, I just came with a friend, but she's out there with a guy." You answered, you swallowed hard, and you tried to make eye contact with her, but it was almost impossible because of her beauty.

"Are you nervous, honey? Don't be; it's okay. We're not going to do anything you don't want to do." You were clearly very nervous, even more so when she asked if you were.

"Alright, I noticed you don't talk much; let me talk then. I've been watching you since you walked through that door; you're a stunning woman." 

You blushed and tried to hide your face in your hands with her words.
She giggled when she saw you blush. She, who was sitting on the bench next to you, took both of her hands to get hers out of your face.

"Don't hide; I really want to appreciate your beauty." You blushed even more.

Since that day in 2018, you have never been apart; you have never become friends or, consequently, girlfriends.

After almost 5 years of relationship, Taylor asked you to marry her on 02/13; according to her, the 13th would be lucky for the wedding of the two, and how it worked out with the dating proposal (04/13).

You obviously accepted, and after almost a year of being on your wedding day, you were so nervous! And so did Taylor.

You didn't see each other all day, but Taylor made sure to pay for a whole princess day for you on your wedding day.

She was always romantic like that, and you reciprocated in any way you could.

The moment you walked into the wedding in that stunning gown—which you made sure Taylor didn't find out what it was until the moment of the wedding—she cried right away.She wanted to kiss you so much at that moment, but she couldn't.

You walked to the altar, where she was already wearing her wedding dress, which you didn't know what it was until that moment.

She didn't stop crying for a second; it was the best moment of her life.

The celebrant had to interrupt your wedding to ask Taylor to hold back his emotions a little so he could concentrate, and she smiled even more looking at you.

"I am unable! Have you ever seen a woman this beautiful in your life? I'm sure not; I'm the luckiest person in the world, and I'm very excited, okay?"She defended herself by laughing and crying, both with happiness.

The celebrant laughed and continued the wedding; he asked you to say your vows and then Taylor to say hers.

"About 6 years ago, I met this wonderful woman at a party that she didn't even want to go to, and she was the there because we were our godmother." She pointed to her friend, and yes, Taylor asked her friend to be your godmother because she was the one who 'brought' you two together.

"Our godmother made her go to that party, and I'm very grateful for that. It was impossible for her not to stand out in that crowd, but I think she was already completely under the influence of something called 'love' when I saw her, because it seemed like the whole party had gone into slow motion, and only she was moving."

Tears started streaming down her cheeks.

"And I went there to talk to her; it was the best choice of my life. I'm not very good with words..." She started saying the last sentence, making a '?' pop into her head. She's the best person with words, especially in songs.

"But I know how to say what I feel with songs, and that's why I made a song for this moment. Since I do it for all my moments, why can't I do it for the most special moment of my life?"

She asked, and suddenly she walked over to the piano that was next to the altar.

The man who previously played the ceremony music left the piano bench for Taylor to sit down on.

"This song is called 'Whispers of Love Underneath the Moonlight'. This song will not be released on any streaming media; it is just Our song, that is, for her and for you present here." That was definitely the most beautiful thing in the world, she made a point of not publishing the song anywhere because it was your song and no one else's.

Of course, Taylor always dedicated songs to you; she always put several beautiful songs for you on albums, but this was different. It was your music, just yours.

She began with a soft melody, and soon refined the melody into another slower but fuller style.
It was truly the most beautiful song you've ever heard in your life. The moment she started playing the melody on the piano you were already crying completely.

When she finished, the guests applauded the song, and she came to you, hugging you tightly.

"Don't cry, princess. I love you so much, Y/n, and in a few minutes I will be happy to call you Y/n Swift." You smiled like an idiot.

"I love you too, Taylor Swift." 

She gave him a kiss on the forehead and positioned herself to continue with the wedding. She couldn't wait to call you by her last name.

Y/n Swift.

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