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You took another sip of the wine, and smiled soon after. The wine wasn't the best, but what would be left for you 20-year-olds? 

 You were already drinking illegally, whether the wine was good or bad didn't matter much.  

"Your turn, Y/n." His college friend said, downing another shot. 

"My turn for what?" You asked, you were very distracted in your thoughts, which were only about one person. 

"What's your type? Amélia already said that hers is tall, and younger. I said it's the blonde bass. What is yours?" Your colleague asked again, looking at you. 

You took another sip from your glass, and looked away to another corner of the kitchen. 

"Older." You replied in a decided tone, Amelia smiled. 

"Ah, I also like older people, 4 and 5 years old is perfect for me." She said, smiling, you gave a brief laugh. That age difference was a clue to what you were really referring to. 

"That's nothing." You scoffed and took another sip. 

John's eyes widened and Amelia raised her eyebrows. 

"How much are we talking about exactly?" John asked you, you looked at him before answering. 

"Fourteen." You whispered softly, hoping that they would mishear and just leave this topic alone.

"Fourteen?! A 34-year-old, Y/n?" John said completely shocked looking at you, you just rolled your eyes. 

"I hope you're not really thinking about someone, and that this is just your wish. Fourteen years is crazy!" Amelia said, and John quickly nodded. 

"I'm not thinking about anyone." You said and took another sip. They agreed a few seconds later, and you continued talking about other topics. 


You arrived at college thirty minutes before class and decided to stay in the library reading your book and reviewing some materials. 

You continued reading peacefully until you looked at the clock and saw that there were only five minutes until your next class, Mrs. Swift's. 

You took a deep breath and packed your things to go to your room. At the library door, I found another teacher standing there, and you couldn't help but greet him. 

"Hey, Mr. Smith!" You smiled at him. 

"Hello, Y/n. How are you, little one?" He asked you, you continued talking to him until you felt someone's eyes on you.

Even while talking to him, you looked around, looking for some eyes on the two of you. You found one. 

When you looked at the door of your next class, there stood Taylor. Standing still, just watching the two of you. When you tried to make eye contact with her, she walked into the room and closed the door. 

You continued talking to your teacher, laughing a lot with him. You had no idea what a problem you were causing at that moment. 

You picked up your phone just to check the time, and your eyes widened when you saw that you had already missed seven minutes of Taylor's class. 

You quickly tried to end the conversation with your teacher and said that you would have more time in their next class. 

You said goodbye and ran to the living room door. You took a deep breath, you knew you were in trouble. 

You knocked on the door, and entered. You tried to quickly move to your seat without Taylor noticing you, since she was busy writing something on the board. Somehow she knew it was you without even having to look back, and she just said: 

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