17. Playground For Monster

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The treacherous path of trials was filled with the ominous echoes of rustles and creaks. Secluded from both the world and sunlight, the contenders, ensnared by tormenting doubts, clung desperately to their sole guide on this perilous journey—a crystal shard bound with twine.

The pendant around Cassia's slender neck flickered like an anxious signal, its dim light flaring up before finally fading away. For the minority, its last shimmer marked the end of a challenging day; for the others, it meant the end of life.

Suri took a deep breath, helping Cassia to her feet. Her companion staggered, leaning against a protruding root. Beads of sweat covered the girl's forehead, and beneath the yellow light source, the bruises under her eyes took on a deep green hue.

"I'm fine," Cassia uttered, a blatant lie falling from her lips. Pushing away from the wall, she stretched and loosened her stiff muscles. "I'm sure the needle will be waiting at the exit. Sooner or later, everyone will converge in one place."

"Are you suggesting we take advantage of the chaos?" Suri asked.

"It's not just us thinking that way," the girl replied, unfastening the sheath from her hips. After a moment's contemplation, she also removed the armor from her shoulders. While the armor won't soften the needle's blow, it will slow down her movement.

Reaching into the deep pocket of her tunic, Suri tightly gripped a rolled-up piece of paper with her fingers. The rough texture under her fingertips gave her a sense of reassurance.

Cassia raised a finger to her lips. From this moment, they would communicate with each other through symbolic gestures. Passing her crystal to companion, Suri nodded.

Light spilled onto the narrow, winding path, cluttered with roots sticking out in all directions. Cassia moved forward, clearing the way, and the mage didn't lag behind, following step by step. It didn't take long before their ears were assaulted by a piercing, heart-wrenching scream, full of pain and rage. The tunnel vibrated with the sound of a dull impact, and sharp strikes rang against the hard surface. A furious battle cry and the clatter of the needle mingled into the general cacophony.

Freezing in place, Cassia closed her eyes, Suri gripping the girl's shoulder tightly and interrupting her concentration. When Cassia opened her eyes, the mage shook her head insistently.

The tunnel twisted, revealing a gruesome scene before the two. A skeletal, brown monstrosity had a neophyte pinned to the ground, driving razor-sharp, thin fangs into him. The warrior screamed desperately, relentless in stabbing the young needle's body with a dagger smeared in green liquid. The beast chattered in response, savoring the life-giving sap.

A shadow rebounded from the wall; steel flashed in the air. A heavy blade descended upon the monster's exposed neck, scraping against sturdy bones before deflecting. The creature's jaws pressed tighter into the yielding body, and the clattering turned into a clicking sound. The persistent dagger remained lodged somewhere beneath its ribcage, and the prey no longer moved. The creature froze, then slowly lifted its eyeless face. The ambush had failed, and the neophyte would have to face the consequences.

Pushing off with its claws, the needle leaped, silently pursuing a new target.

With limited sources of light, the creature was difficult to see. The needle barely reached the neophyte's chest and clearly lacked agility. Nevertheless, the tired, inexperienced warriors couldn't mount a worthy resistance. Their attacks hit the mark but meant nothing to the needle.

Cassia raised her hand, capturing the mage's attention. While the creature was occupied, she stood poised to strike and awaited the agreed-upon signal. Squinting, Suri stared at the repulsive, emaciated body, and she flinched when the black, toothy maw turned in her direction. Fear penetrated deep into her bones, paralyzing her body. Seizing the opportunity, the neophyte swiftly increased the distance from the opponent.

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