When Angels Hit Brick Walls

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It was bitter cold this morning, but when wasn't Europa?
She had been tracking her target for months and her trail finally lead here to this backwater moon.
She was unfamiliar with the moon and was glad that she pulled as much data from the tower as she could on it.
While it was rare she even visited it anymore unless by orders, there was no better place to get information. The files the hidden had on her target, as few as they were, indicated this moon as a place he known to frequent, all the maps and recon reports she could get her hands on for her ghost to scan had made navigating far easier.
Granted, the constant interference from the old bray tech scattered about the moon made viewing the digital map layout finicky at times.

She had a lot of positivety going into this mission, even if she hated every minute of it. She had done work for the hidden before, and typically by way of request by Aunor, and she felt strongly this one might be the key to her finally getting inducted into the selective group.

She was tasked with hunting down a lone titan that had basically disappeared many years ago.
Like normal the reasons for why were not disclosed, though she could warrant a number of guesses. What she found more pressing was the fact she had never been tasked with hunting another light bearer before.

If a guardian became corrupted, there were assassins among the hidden who specialized in hunting other guardians, and when in doubt, Shin Malphur would gladly go on the hunt. He wouldn't cease till the deed was done.

The three rather unusual things about this mission were as follows:

The hidden gave her every document and file related to her target up front, and it wasn't much.

The majority of the info was interviews with those who had worked with him or seen him in action, he was apparently a monstrous fighter which wasn't surprising for a titan, although everything about his demeanor was odd.

The last thing, that aside from no official vanguard records giving an official name other than "Bo," -one of those records being an M.I.A.  -was that this borderline unknown titan DID have documented encounters with both Shin, and the drifter.

She knew Aunor didn't trust the drifter whatsoever, and had wondered if perhaps this mission wasn't purely checking loose ends to sate her paranoia. Though she'd never tell her that.
Personally, though she had only ever encountered him once, she found him an enjoyable sort. It was evident he had the gift of gab and was certainly no "good guy" in the traditional sense. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and do what others wouldn't. However, it seemed like whatever his end goals are, that they're not evil, she hoped anyways.
She would be lying though if she said she felt confident trusting him. He did have his own goals and was known to have questionable practices, regardless of what they achieved.
She figured it was a safe bet that whatever Aunor's concern with this titan, tied into said questionable practices in some means or another.

She once more checked her scope, he was still sitting there taking shelter from the cold in an open alcove. He had a small fire using a salvaged after burner off a fallen pike and appeared to be cooking something. His ghost hovered close by and she assumed they must be talking about something or other.
She had tracked him from three prior planets before ending up here, always missing him by days, it was a stroke of luck to find him on Europa. At one point she feared he might have realized someone was tracking him and had been going out of his way to lose his pursuer. The last two days stalking him on this frozen hell inclined her to think she just had some bad luck tailing him.
He'd made no effort to conceal his movements, lacked any form of subtlety in his approach to combat, she'd seen that first hand watching him handle a band of fallen dregs on the tundra.
He let loose with a barrage of bullets from the machine gun he carried. He didn't move, not even flinch as rounds came down around him. He stood there solid as a wall sending out death. The last dreg dying under his boot, he crushed its skull while it struggled to move.
Stereotypical titan to be sure.

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