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a/n: I had more planned for this chapter but as of late I've been quite mentally ill innit so I kinda ended it shorter than expected! I'm sorry! This chapter does deal with death, so if you want to skip feel free! Thank you guys!


Summer 2017

The summer had been full of despair. Ginny had arrived in Monaco, happy to be staying with a single Charles. She was ready to hang out with him again like the old days. She could pine over him in peace. Him and Victoria had called it quits.

Chloe was still dating Max, but she'd gotten over that horrendous honeymoon phase, even if it had lasted a couple years. And Pierre couldn't be an outward dick to her like he could at his own estate.

She'd been so excited for the endless possibilities of adventures with Charles on the beach and movie dates that weren't dates and laughing like hyenas together. But that excitement drained the second she arrived at the Leclerc home and found the family in shambles.

They didn't tell anyone about Hervé's cancer. The Chalamet's had been back in New York and seemingly in a whole different universe. But when they crowded around Pascale, who was holding herself together by a thread, she informed them all that her husband had died the day before.

Ginny was shocked.

Her heart had dropped into her gut like it did on rollercoasters. She couldn't even fathom that Hervé wouldn't be drinking wine with the adults and ruffling Charles hair every chance he had and joking around with Max to make Chloe embarrassed.

How could something like this happen?

Why did it seem Charles was going through stages of death- first with his godfather and now his dad. Life wasn't fair that way.

Despair coming in pairs.

The funeral was today. Everyone was getting ready, putting on bleak black attire and swiping their eyes every few seconds. Chloe had barely come out of her room only to get water or cry in her mothers arms. Max stayed with her the whole time, never leaving her side.

Arthur stuck to himself and looked like he was in a zombie-state where everything was gray and empty. Charles tried to focus on his formula two practices, but every night he'd get back into his room and cry and Ginny would sit with him. Pierre tried his best to comfort his friend, but he always seemed uncomfortable. Lorenzo tried to step into his dad's empty shoes, holding everyone together.

Everything was out of whack.

Everything was different.

Everything was sad.

Ginny knocked on Charles's door. She heard sniffles on the other side. She knew today would be hard. No kid should have to watch a parent be buried. She waited for Charles to get the door and when he did, his eyes were bloodshot and he had a strange, stiff, expression on his face.

He was trying to build a wall in his mind. Ginny could tell by the way his jaw was clenched and eyes narrowed, but as they fell on his ma cherie, he crumbled on the spot.

He grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her inside his room. The door shut behind them. When Charles turned to her, she saw his bloodshot eyes. He had a race in a few days... and that should've been the only thing on his mind. But life had an awful way of tearing things apart.

"Charles..." Ginny whispered, almost afraid to speak too loud. She stood in the middle of his room, watching as he crossed to her side and plopped on the edge of his bed. She scooted beside him and carefully pressed a hand to his back. "I'm so sorry, ma cherie."

"I miss him." Charles muttered under his breath. "More than anything..."

"I know." Ginny pressed a kiss to his cheek. "He's watching over you now, with Jules."

Charles forced a smile, but it fell to one side as his shoulders slumped. "How am I going to get through this?"

"I'm not sure." Ginny said honestly. "But I'll be here for you every step of the way."

Charles's brown eyes flickered over to her own and he threw his long arms around her neck. They stayed like that on his bed until there was another knock on his door... this time... Pierre.

He stepped inside without waiting for someone to answer. Charles and Ginny broke apart. Pierre glanced between the two of them with a hard expression. He chose his words wisely from the look on his scouring face. "It's time to go."

"Tell my mom we'll be down in a second."

Pierre looked at Ginny for a moment, taking in her appearance. He didn't say anything else. His presence was gone before Ginny could say something to him. Charles grabbed her hand again as they sat on his bed still, and let out a long breath. "He wrote me a letter."

"Your dad?"

"Yeah." Charles nodded, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb against her skin. "When he found out about the Cancer... he told my mom he didn't want me to read it until after he was gone."

"What did he say?"

"All sorts of stuff." Charles had tears swelling in his eyes. "But he mentioned you too."

"Me?" Ginny raised a brow. "What about me?"

"He said..." Charles's lips pulled upward in a sad-smile. His hair fell onto his forehead as he leaned forward. "He said that he was sorry he wouldn't be there for our wedding, but he'd be watching from above."

Ginny wanted to cry and laugh all at the same time. She couldn't help the blush on her cheeks. "You think maybe we will?"

Charles opened his mouth to speak, but changed his mind. His jaw clenched and he turned away for a second, glancing out his window at the driveway below. Pierre was standing against his car with a cigarette in hand. Charles turned back to Ginny and chewed his bottom lip. "I hope so."

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