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Present Day
May 25, 2023

Ginny felt exhausted. The jet-lag was already creeping up on her body as the hours rolled forward. When they'd left New York, it was nearing the time for her usual sleep, but eight hours later she'd barely slept a wink. It wasn't like there were screaming babies or constant passengers getting up to use the bathroom- Pierre had sent a personal private plane for them to use.

But that might've even added to her stress and anxiety, causing her to only replay memories of her times in France with the evil Gasly. She tried not to think about coming face-to-face with him. Just from their little phone call, she knew he hadn't changed, but that wasn't going to stop her from enjoying her vacation.

Even if he'd pretend to be a saint.

The plane had finally docked, allowing the three passengers to stand and grab their belongings. Ginny snapped out of her thoughts and glanced out the window. Even just a skimpy glimpse of the grass outside the airport made her grin. It brought back a piece of nostalgia she had let go in an instance of pain. The sun was taking it's turn for illumination, slowly rising in the sky whilst the moon trickled into oblivion.

"Here's your bag." Timothée mumbled, probably feeling the effects of the time jump too. He was in a pair of excessively oversized sweatpants that dangled around his ankles, a white hoodie with the strings tied in bunny ears, and matching Van's. He was standing in the aisle with her bag in his hand. He was nice enough to grab it, since he's taller.

"Thank you." Ginny awkwardly stood, feeling the ceiling against her neck as she craned forward.

She always felt like a caged animal when she stood on planes- her body never fit. Just like Timothée's lanky body. Austin looked even worse, keeping his shoulders scrunched so he wouldn't scrape the top. He turned over his shoulder to speak.

"Did you guys get any sleep?"

Timothée gravely chuckled, pulling his hood on. "Not really. Did you?"

Austin was dressed in black shorts that looked like they came from Old Navy. It was somewhat jarring to see his bare legs. He was always dressed in jeans or fancy pants like slacks. He matched his shorts with a plain tee shirt and Crocks... another out of place item.

He looked younger this way, like out of the era of Aliens in the Attic. Ginny thought his character was the best and had a huge crush on him when she first saw the movie. When she met him for the first time later, after he'd become best buds with Timothée, she failed to mention it. She couldn't deny that he was handsome though. He shook his head, causing some blonde strands of hair to fall onto his forehead. "I couldn't relax enough. Guess I'm too excited. What about you Ginny?"

She scooted into the aisle, standing behind Timothée as they all waited for the pilot and flight attendants to allow them to leave. From the looks of it, they were getting the staircase ready on the terminal. Her eyes trailed back to Austin with a grimace. "I didn't sleep either. I'm sure tonight we'll all get a good night's rest though."

Timothée whistled in agreement. "Yeah, it usually hits you like a truck."

Austin chuckled, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "Dually noted."

"Are we taking a taxi to the hotel?" Ginny had forgotten to ask.

Timothée glanced over his shoulder at her. He raised his brows like he was impressed. "No, Pierre said he'd send a driver. I wonder what kind of car it'll be? You think it'll be decked out?"

Ginny rolled her dark eyes that were crusted in the corners. "Like a race car?"

"Hell yeah!" Her brother grinned mischievously. "That'd be a sick entrance."

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