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a/n: this is one of the SHORTEST chapters in this book I am so sorry 😂 please forgive me! But the next chapter should be a whole ESSAY :)

Present Day

Ginny asked Mister LeBlanc to take her back to the hotel. She didn't want to stay and watch Pierre and Charles race around the stupid track, when she knew they were both upset and she was the reason.

It was best that she left.

She told the others that her head was hurting and needed to lay down. Chloe definitely did not believe her, but couldn't say anything in front of Timothee, Austin, and Henry. So she settled for the narrow eyes approach. Ginny felt extremely guilty and hurried to the get-away car once Mister LeBlanc had gotten her message.

"You didn't want to stay?" He asked Ginny, once they were driving and further away from the flashing cameras and reporters.

"Headache." She muttered under her breath, glancing out the window as they passed some spectacular views of the water. "I just need some rest, that's all."

"Hm." Mister LeBlanc peeked in the rearview mirror with a frown. "It doesn't have anything to do with your earlier conversations with Miss Chloe, does it?"

Ginny let out a sigh, pressing her hands in front of her face. She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it. She felt some hot tears slip down her cheeks. "You always know what's going on, don't you?"

"Always." He grinned sadly. His features were dark like his hair. His brows furrowed together and made him look quite serious. "You in fact do not hate Mr. Gasly, you love him."

"I-" Ginny was about to correct him and say loved, but that wasn't really true. She didn't want to lie anymore. She just wanted to lay it all out. Let the air dry her salty wounds. But everything inside of her hurt. Her heart the most. "Can you love and hate someone at the same time?"

"Yes." He said matter-of-factly. "But those are the two most complicated feelings."

"I know." Ginny wiped away her tears.

She rolled down her window and let the breeze sway through her hair. She cocked her head to the side, resting on the interior of the backseat. She didn't have the energy to tell him everything from the beginning, so she didn't say anything at all. She just sat and listened to the sounds of Monaco. A couple minutes went by, with neither of them talking, until Mister LeBlanc turned on a song that made Ginny freeze.

'Midnight with the stars and you... Midnight and a rendezvous... Your eyes held a message tender... Saying I surrender all my love to you'

"Pierre, stop!" Ginny giggled, clutching his arm tight.

"Miiiidddniiigghhhttt, The stars and youuuuu!" He twirled her around with a bright smile on his lips.

"I apologize for my music taste." Mister LeBlanc glanced over his shoulder for a second, before returning his eyes to the road. "I'm afraid I am an old soul."

Ginny opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She closed her mouth and tried again after a moment. "It's okay. I am too..."

Back at the hotel, Ginny assured Mister LeBlanc she would be fine and she'd see him in the morning bright and early for race day. She wasn't sure if the others had planned activities for the night, but all she wanted to do was watch tv and rot in bed. She thought about texting Sara or calling Pauline, but in the end she just flopped on her bed and cried.

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