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Summer 2014
Le Mans, France

Ginny was still in shock when Chloe engulfed her in a hug. Her best friend was silently apologizing... because through the months and months of texting back and forth in-between their summer fun, she had never mentioned Charles dating someone. It wasn't like Ginny had ever been blatant about her crush on Charles with Chloe- that was her twin brother.

But Chloe wasn't blind and Ginny knew that. However, she had seemed to turn a blind eye anyway. Maybe she thought they weren't serious... Victoria and Charles... but how could they not? Victoria was Max's sister. Max dated Chloe. Victoria dated the twin. They were a tight-knit group already in formula one.

Now, they were dating each other's siblings.

The American glanced down at her white converse and frowned.

Chloe pulled away from their embrace, staring straight into her friend's eyes with worry. "How was your trip!?"

Ginny paused for a moment, swallowing the dry saliva in her mouth. She could feel everyone's gaze on her. She was the center of attention and she didn't want to be. "F-fine. Yeah, the flight wasn't too bad."

Pierre was still beside her with a smirk she wanted to slap off his face. "Victoria, these are our friends from the states. Ginny and her older brother Timothée."

Victoria was beautiful, which made the anger in Ginny's stomach turn to a boil. She wore a pretty, blue, silk skirt that looked like the Beauxbâtons attire in the fourth Harry Potter movie. She could really be one of them in reality. Her hair was dyed blonde, but her eyebrows were still dark brown like her brother's. Her hair was silky smooth just like her skin.

She wore makeup that made her look like a twenty-year-old and had a figure that matched. Ginny thought she had grown a lot over her first year of high school. She was curvy in a lot of places that she had hoped Charles would notice... but that dream was out the window. Victoria was everything Ginny wasn't and she had Charles now. "Oh my God, are you the boy from Interstellar?"

Ginny clenched her jaw tight. She felt her brother tense up beside her arm, forcing out a breath of air as he kept averting his eyes from the new couple to the floor. "Good eye! I am the guy..."

"Look at you already getting spotted." Chloe stepped away from Ginny to give Timothée a hug. They kissed each other on their cheeks before pulling away. She gently punched him in the shoulder. "Don't grow a big head."

"I don't want to hear it from you, miss model." Timothée groaned. "Teen Vogue, Paris just loves you don't they? Not to mention your movies-"

"All in France." Chloe rolled her eyes. "It's not the same as Hollywood."

Ginny was still reeling. She was listening to everyone greet each other, but the sounds were like a passing echo. Arthur and Lorenzo came over and gave Ginny a hug before moving to her brother with chest bumps and boyish smiles. Max followed behind Chloe like a shadow- sticking tightly to her waist. Pierre had moved towards the group of boys catching up... leaving Ginny to greet her crush and his girlfriend.

"Ginny, I've heard so much about you!" Victoria squeezed the American into an embrace. Ginny kept her arms by her side, unsure of how to proceed. Victoria pulled away, smiling wide to show off her perfect white teeth. Life was unfair. "I'm so glad we get to spend the summer together! I'm used to being the youngest, beside Arthur, but now I have someone to relate too."

Ginny chewed her bottom lip, trying not to glance at Charles. If she did, she'd start crying on the spot- or so it felt like that. "Oh really? How old are you? If you don't mind me asking..."

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