When I got home from school that day, both of my parents seemed to be in relatively good moods. When they were both available, I sat down with him in the living room to discuss the topic of dating.

"What did you want to talk about, Lili?" My mom asked. My dad sat next to my mom on the couch and slung an arm around her shoulder. I couldn't help but imagine me and Walker at their age, married.

I hesitated to think of exactly what to say. "Um, well, you guys know how close Walker and I are," I began reluctantly.

"Yes, go on," my dad urged.

"Well..." I took a deep breath and went for it.
"I like him, and he likes me, so I was wondering if -"

"You could go on a date?" My mom finished for me. I nodded.

"Well, you know that our rule is no dating until eighteen," said my dad.

"I know, but I was wondering if you could make an exception for Walker. He did save my life," I said.

"Carlos, I think we should let her," my mom said to him.

"What happened to our agreement?" He asked.

"Yes, but Walker's a great kid, and I would think Lili's mature enough now," my mom insisted.

Usually, with these things, my dad was the more lenient one, and my mom was stubborn, but it was the opposite of that this time. He must've just been having a protective dad moment.

"I would say that Lili can date Walker," my mom decided. My dad went along with everything my mom said, so he groaned but agreed.

"Yay! Thank you!" I stood up, hugged both of them, and hurried to text Walker.


my parents said yes!

yay mine did too
also i can go youth

that can be our unofficial first date


It was a dream come true. I was dating Walker Scobell, the boy I loved so much.

After school, Eva came home with my family because we took her to youth group every Wednesday. We went down to the basement and put our stuff down.

"Walker's coming today, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, he is," I replied.

"Look like I'm gonna be third wheeling," she sighed.

"You'll have Eloise, Mackenna, and Millie," I retorted. Eloise went to our youth group, too, and Mackenna and Millie were our youth group friends.

"Yeah, but still."

A couple of hours later, we climbed into my mom's car, and she drove us to the church where our youth group was. Eva and I were dropped off, along with Dillan, and we walked in.

I worked the lights in the back most of the time, and Millie worked the slides, but Mackenna offered to do the lights this time so that I could spend time with Walker.

I had told Millie and Mackenna that I'm seeing someone, but I didn't tell them who. I could just imagine their reactions when they learned it was Walker Scobell.

Walker texted me "here," and I went over to the door to meet him.

"Hey," I said as he walked through the doors.

"Hi beautiful," he said, his arms wrapping around me. I got butterflies at the compliment and his touch.

The second he walked through those doors, I could tell all eyes were on him. He was a super cute, famous actor. But he was mine.

Love at First Sight? - Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now