The plant

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Summer's pov.

"Can we talk?", asked Diego.

All of us now were walking literally into the jungle just like Buck said. It was beautiful though. Strange flowers and just nature. But the moment was ruined by Diego, again. He was bugging me all the way here.

"I don't know if there is anything to talk about at all.", I sassed.

"There is.", stated Diego.

"Okay. Go ahead. Start talking."

After that silence took over for both of us. I glanced at Diego. He looked in deep thought.

He is thinking about what to talk about?! Or where to start?!

I waited for a couple of minutes and he was about to say something. But I beat him to it.

"Good talk.", I said.

I slowed down a little to walk next to Ellie. I mean I'm worried about her. She is my friend and also waiting for her baby. I heard Diego sigh sadly.

Great. Now I feel bad.

Maybe I am too harsh on him. I should let him explain himself. But not now.

My thoughts were interrupted by a high-pitched scream. It was quite familiar.

"Sounds like a jungle of misery to me.", commented Eddie.

As I was walking with Ellie I felt that someone was watching us. We both skidded to a stop and looked around. Nothing was out of order. We looked at each other to see if we felt the same thing. And it was.

"Hold on.", demanded Ellie.

"Why? What's wrong? Peaches?", panicked Manny as he went over to Ellie.

No one's pov.

"What? No! It's just I got a funny feeling. Summer as well.", explained Ellie.

"You're hungry! Low blood sugar.", said Manny and looked around, spotting a fruit, "There's some fruit!"

"No! Manny!", shouted Ellie.

Still, Manny didn't listen to Ellie and went up to the fruit. Summer smirked.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you.", commented Diego as he walked up to Manny, now both of them standing near the little tree with fruit, "This isn't exactly your playground."

Manny snorted. "Like I'm really gonna be afraid of a pretty flower."

He touched the fruit and suddenly vines wrapped themselves around Manny and Diego's legs.

"Bet you didn't see that coming.", commented Diego.

Then both of them were lifted in the air, upside down.

"Manny!", exclaimed Ellie.

"Diego!", exclaimed Summer as well.

Even though she and Diego weren't really on good terms, she still cared about him.

Back to Diego and Manny. There was a huge plant closing in on them, ready to swallow them up.

"For the record, I blame you for this.", commented Diego right before they were swallowed by the plant, causing Manny to scream.

"Stop eating our friends, plant!", shouted Eddie.

The two possums were holding up sticks. Crash and Eddie raised their sticks and did war screams. The plant vines noticed somehow and attacked them, making the possums scream. They ran behind Summer.

"That's it! I'm tearing it up from the roots!", said Ellie and started going towards them.

"Do that,", Buck's voice was heard, "and it will clamp shut forever."

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs//Diego x OCWhere stories live. Discover now