Chapter 79 Cherry

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They met Huo Qingshan on the avenue, who was also ordered to find someone. Huo Qingshan had sharp eyes and stretched out his hand to wipe a line on Liang Ge's neck. He stared at the red on his fingertips with unbelievable horror on his face. "Isn't this lipstick? Whose is it? Why is there lipstick on Liang Ge's neck?"

Liang Ge ignored it and left first.

Even though Liang Ge had beaten him beforehand, Ai Shan was still determined not to bear all this alone, "It's Zhu Guanyin's."

Who would have thought that Huo Qingshan immediately showed a look of understanding and relaxed greatly, "Let me tell you, what girl can't imagine kissing Liang Ge? They have never seen a girl's lipstick, and they are still playing, like children of."

Ai Shan's eyes were filled with pain, and he put his arms around his shoulders to guide his thoughts, "Let me tell you something, there are two people on our team who have a very good relationship." His tone became exaggeratedly heavy, "They are as good as Liang Ge and Zhu Guanyin! Ex! It took me a few days to find out that they were a couple!"

"A couple? They're trying to stir up trouble! Who is it? Zhou Ziyou? Fu Jun, Wu Jiaqing..." He counted the heads of the school basketball team one by one, "You don't know Zhang Zhi and that grandson, do you?"

Ai Shan's heart felt bitter when he looked at this little idiot, and when he thought that this little idiot still had a photographic memory, his heart suddenly became even more painful.

After Liang Ge went out, Zhu Yu wiped his face with the handkerchief Liang Ge gave him, and found that the handkerchief was the same one from before. Thinking of the utility room, his face boiled again.

He quickly changed his clothes, clumsily removed his makeup, took off his wig, washed his face and went out. Liang Ge's 200 meters was about to start. He hurried to the sports ground and went in when he passed the supermarket. He was never willing to buy Da Yiduo, but he was willing to buy Pocari for Liang Ge.

Because of the sports day, there are people wandering around the campus, and there are naturally crowds of people in the supermarket. There are many people queuing up to check out, and occasionally someone cuts in line. The phenomenon of Lu Ming jumping in line is not common, but it does happen, and the more well-dressed students are, the more likely they are to jump in line, as if they are a maverick. There are usually several of them, and each of them seems to be difficult to mess with.

The queue was long and crowded. Three tall men came in from the outside. Their school uniform jackets were very loose, revealing the big logos of famous brands inside. They were chatting and laughing and casually stood in front of a girl. The girl didn't say anything, and those people were talking. When I wanted to swipe my card, someone grabbed my arm.

Zhou Minxing wore glasses and spoke sternly, "You go to the back and line up!"

Those people thought he was stupid and troublesome, "Did he get in front of you? What does it have to do with you?"

He also secretly nudged him with his elbow. Zhou Minxing was staggered by the nudge, but he straightened up and walked forward and said, "It's just that the people who were cut in line didn't dare to speak. That's why you did it again and again. I don't care this time. You guys I’ll do it next time, do you think it’s amazing to be shameless and put yourself above the order?”

When Zhu Yu entered the supermarket, he heard this statement.

Zhou Minxing has always been upright. In some aspects, it seems that his integrity is a bit stubborn and stupid, and he is very inflexible. Zhu Yu always remembered that when Li Shaodong wanted to beat him, Zhou Minxing stood in front of him. Even though his glasses were knocked off by Li Shaodong's punch, he still stood up and stopped him.

The Time of Cherry and Bamboo shoots in Bloom [MTL] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now