Chapter 35 Hug

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Zhu Yu thought he was talking nonsense. He had never been like this when he was in love with Wen Xinrong.

Liang Ge was stunned for a moment and turned his head hesitantly. Ai Shan thought that Liang Ge would definitely shoot two ice holes in his body with his eyes, but Liang Ge just looked at him expressionlessly, but Ai Shan actually participated in it strangely. Realize some kind of joy.

He was agitated by this horrifying thought.

Zhu Yu couldn't care less about their turbulent undercurrents. He just wanted to take his wrist back from Liang Ge. He was extremely angry.

Not allowed to change?

Why? Why are you hot and cold, teasing me now, protecting me now, killing people with a dull knife, and frying people's hearts with a slow fire, is it fun?

Before he could break free, Liang Ge stood up suddenly and led him out without any explanation.

Aishan took the rice balls and watched them go. The current class leaders are really capable.

When he turned around to look at the searching eyes of the other people at work, he was suddenly startled. Just wondering why no one noticed such a big movement, even Liangge was afraid and didn't dare to look back, they were all eavesdropping with their ears perked up!

I am left alone to fight against the devil!

Zhu Yu was dragged by Liang Ge to the surveillance corner of the corridor before he finally got rid of his grasp.

Liang Ge turned around and stood in front of him. He obviously was the one who led the person out, but he didn't say a word.

Zhu Yu couldn't stand this kind of silence that seemed to compare with who else was the last to speak. He raised his head, with a thin cold light in his eyes, "I do regard you as my best friend. Maybe they are friends with me because of you." , but I can live without friends.”

Zhu Yu looked at him and said, "I don't need any of them."

The voice-activated lights dimmed, and the corridor was dark and quiet, quietly empty. Only the light from the second-year high school teaching building next door shone brightly and palely through the large windows of the classroom.

Zhu Yu's face was calm, almost cruel, and he looked so unconcerned.

Because of Fu Xiang, he had no close classmates throughout junior high school. Some things have never been obtained before, and it doesn't seem to matter if you have them or not, but you brought them to me yourself and then took them back without permission. Why?

When he was rejected by Wen Xinrong for being poor, when Wen Xinrong threw his gift into the trash can, and when he broke up with Wen Xinrong, he was not as angry as this.

Inexplicably, he suddenly stopped paying attention to people.

It's like the childish playmate relationship you had when you were a child. You were having a good time yesterday, but today you are isolated with others. You can't guess the reason. Of course, Liang Ge can't be so bad.

Zhu Yu thinks he has a good temper and gives people a chance most of the time.

During the military training for the first year of Luming High School, the conditions were deliberately made very difficult in order to train the new students. Even hot water was not supplied all day long. In many cases, students were even required to carry kettles to store hot water for bathing. In his admiration, Zhu Yu had always imagined a school like Luming to be very noble and have its own aura. He simply believed that everyone who entered Luming was talented, intelligent and highly qualified. However, he was taken away on the first day. Open water bottle.

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