Chapter 70 Handkerchief

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Zhu Yuju was there, feeling a little ashamed for no reason, as if he had stage fright. He was anxious for a moment, but he still went over.

In fact, Liang Ge didn't dress more formally. He still wore a very refreshing young boy's dress, and his hair was only slightly cut short, but somehow he looked particularly energetic and stunning.

There are only a small handful of flowers, including sunflowers, chocolate bubbles and small daisies, with a stuffed bunny placed on the edge. The whole bouquet looks like a rabbit's garden, which is very fresh and cute.

However, "How can a boy receive flowers?"

Liang Ge glanced at him and lowered his voice, "Do you feel embarrassed?"

"No." Zhu Yu immediately took the flowers, held them in his arms nervously, lowered his eyes and said, "It looks good."

Liang Ge stood beside him and said in a low voice, "You are good-looking too."

Zhu Yudeng was so embarrassed that he dared not speak out. He could hear the sound of popping pink bubbles in anime, and his whole body was so hot that he was sweating.

What am I doing?

He didn't feel awkward for long, a bus stopped in front of him, and Liang Ge said, "Let's go."

Zhu Yu Shensi got on the bus with him unconsciously. I don't know if it was because of the flowers or something else, but the bus driver looked at them several times.

There were no passengers in the car. It was very empty and clean. Liang Ge took him to sit in the second to last row. He sat by the window. The window was opened a small crack, and a cool breeze flowed in softly.

"where are we going?"

Liang Ge actually said, "I don't know, just follow the bus."

Zhu Yu didn't say anything. He sat holding the handful of flowers with unknown names, stroking the rabbit's ears with his fingers, and actually felt some affection for them. The car was driving slowly and slowly, and the green tree shadows and warm time gradually overlapped in the car.

Ever since he fell in love with Liang Ge, he began to feel depressed and depressed day after day. This kind of pain seemed to be brought to him by Liang Ge. But when he actually stayed with Liang Ge, his whole body was filled with some kind of forgetful happiness, as if he was being pulled to dance on the edge of a cliff, dangerous, sinful, and happy at the same time.

Liang Ge didn't say anything. He put his elbows on the back of Zhu Yu's seat and closed his eyes as if he was dozing off. Zhu Yu looked at him with his peripheral vision, starting from his chin, to his lips, bridge of nose, eyes... Liang Ge suddenly opened his eyes, "Look at me?"

Zhu Yu was caught red-handed, and he looked away hastily. The car was quiet, with only the sound of vehicles driving. He looked ahead absentmindedly, and suddenly said, "The first time I saw you..."

Liang Ge interrupted him, "Where did you first see me?"

Zhu Yu said without thinking, "Just outside the lecture hall on the registration day for the first year of high school."

He remembered that day. Because there was a week of military training, Lu Ming's first year of high school started on August 25. The lecture hall was full of people, packed with parents, students and their younger siblings. It was noisy, hot and stuffy. Zhu Yu carried his luggage and followed Lin Aizhen to the assigned temporary dormitory. He was accidentally stepped on by a girl. Liang Ge came in when the girl apologized.

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