Why don't you believe me?

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Part 2
Jorge's pov.
When I'm finally awake, I walk to the bathroom and go to the shower. Today it's been a week that I'm single but I'm still sad when I see her, hear her or think about her.
When I'm done I walk down to stairs and go outside.

I walk in the park the see the place where Tini and I always came to. It brings many thoughts to me that I stop walking and just sit on the ground. I feel the guitar on my back and going to play "Nuestro Camino".

While I'm singing I see Tini walking in front of me. I stand up and walk to her and stop her.

Me: Hey Tini. Can I talk to you?

Tini: Because?

Me: I want to explain it....

Tini: I already get it Jorge. Don't hurt me more please

Me: No you don't get it.... look, when I was with you in your room, Stephie called me and she was annoying me so that's why I called you Stephie.

Tini: Okay but you said that you couldn't describe how much you love me or Stephie I don't know! But what I know is that at that moment you said Stephie...

I sight and watch Tini walking away. I walk to the Studio and see Tini with Diego. Diego walks to me but I walk to Nicolas.

Diego: Jorge! Bro?! Are you okay?

Jorge: Oh yeah I'm fine! Go.. go to Tini huh...

I turn around to Nicolas and talk to him.

Diego: Bro... if you don't want that I talk with Tini, then I don't.

Jorge: No it's okay. Seriously. I have to accept it so yeah..

Diego: Kee.

Clara: Okay guys! Good morning, we're going to do some practising. Ready?! Lalalalalalaaaa nananananaaaaa eeeheeeee.

Clara: Well done! Tini? Would come over here and sing your new song?

Tini: Ah... yes..

I see Tini walking to Clara and take her piano with her. She is singing a song called "Underneath it all".

Clara: Woah! Amazing!! This is the song from your task from Ezequiel, right?

Tini: Yes that's right.

She's is staring at me and I'm staring at her. At a moment I look away, stand up and walk to the hall.

Tini: Sorry...
Tini is walking after me and calls my name.

Me: What?! One moment you will not that I'm talking to you and you're saying that it's better that we wouldn't see each other for a time. And the other moment you are walkong after me and wanna talk with me? What do you want?

Tini: You know what I want. I want... you..

Jorge: yeah right... I want you too Tini! But you have to believe me!

Jortini foreverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin