Chapter 9

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LJ User: Xx_RubyJane [Private Entry]Date: June 10, 2012

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LJ User: Xx_RubyJane [Private Entry]
Date: June 10, 2012

[Mood: annoyed]
[Music: "I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself"— The White Stripes]

So, it's not like I waited all day and night for Lisa to IM me or anything. I'm not pitiful or something. But I left my away message on to be nice and like welcoming-to-town and stuff. But nothing. Not even a message on the machine.

Who does she think she is, ignoring me?

Maybe she's not. Maybe she just forgot.

Ugh. I'm not forgettable. I am, like, the opposite of that.


Do I not even get a chance, here, with her? I'm a good friend when you let me!

It's just ... like ... what the fuck?

I mean, I'm the one who knows what street she lives on. I could probably go down there and find which yard her bike's in.

But that might be way too try-hard. If she really is ignoring me, then that would be downright humiliating.

So not doing that.

But ...

What if she just forgot?

Cuz she looked like she needed a friend. It wasn't just because she was dripping wet and kind of pitiful at that point.

She grabbed me back like no one had hugged her in I don't know how long, and that's just ... Fuck, what's that like? My mom's not a huge hugger, but I get Suzy snuggles and stuff.

I think Lisa might need me. You know, as a friend. And I'm a good friend. Jisoo and Rosie would totally say I was a good friend if I asked them. Irene ... well, Irene has her own issues. Mainly the whole being in love with my ex-boyfriend thing. But whatever.

I'll just go over to Cliff's Edge Drive tomorrow. It'll be fine.


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