Chapter 16

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LJ User: Xx_RubyJane [Private Entry]Date: June 18, 2012

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LJ User: Xx_RubyJane [Private Entry]
Date: June 18, 2012

[Mood: thoughtful]
[Music: "Tomorrow Comes Today"—Gorillaz]

Jisoo, Rosie and Irene have been on my ass—where are you, come to the lake, we never see you—but I'm just ...

I'm over it.

Lisa and I went out today. More train-track shit. It's becoming a regular little spot. I kind of love that. No one else has to know.

Her and me, no booze, no barriers, no distractions. We walked along the railroad tracks all the way to the stone bridge. Blue skies and brown hair, that jacket she hasn't stopped wearing since the second day I saw her. She sat down on the edge, dangling her legs like she thought her feet would reach the water. And I had to pull myself up next to her.

Her sneakers knocked against mine, mismatched laces that have to be on purpose.

We played Truth or Dare. A girl's way to while away boredom. She took the bait, thank God. But then ...

Shit, then it got worse, somehow. Because she looked me dead in the eyes and chose truth.

Who the fuck does that, first time out? Lisa, that's who.

I gave her an easy out. Or I thought so. What's your greatest fear? I thought she'd say spiders or something. But instead, she just says two words and wrecks me:

Dying alone.

Simple. But it wasn't. Not the way she said it.

She said it like she understood it somehow. Better than anyone.

And I've been listening. To her. To the little pieces she's given me about before this town.

She told me her dad didn't know how to dad. And the only reason a dad who doesn't want to be a dad does do the dad thing is when there's no other choice.

Shit. It was all I could think about, sitting there: how I fumbled this game into a revelation I don't think she meant to make.

I think her mom's gone. Like gone, gone.

How do you even deal with that? What happened? Was she sick? Is Lisa okay?

My mom is the worst sometimes—okay, most of the time—but she's my mom. If she wasn't here, I'd freak.

Is Lisa freaking? What do I do if she does? How do I help her?

I have questions I don't know how to ask. Because she still hasn't really told me. So I just have to wait. Until she trusts me enough.


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