Choi Soobin
Age -24
CEO of Choi corporation
Assassination as well Hacker of Jeon's gang .
Easy going person unless you mess with what is his .
Cousin of Jungkook and Hoseok from father's side .
Loves conquest. And has a secret no one knows of .
Overprotective and possessive.

Brother- Choi Yeonjun

Lover- ???????
Nickname -

      Binnie ( given by Yeonjun)

      Bunny Boo (given by Seokie and        Namu)


Choi YeonjunAge - 18

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Choi Yeonjun
Age - 18

Studying designing
Cute and innocent fluffy ball. ( Or may be not so innocent)
Loves Foxie plushies most and is little bit bratty . Gets annoyed easily.

Loves his kookie hyung most and hates Soo-bin hyung most ...cause he is always scolding him .

Gets jealous easily when someone flirts with his hyung.

Back to story

Yeonjun clutched Jungkook's shirt tightly as fat tears rolled down his eyes as he saw stern gaze of Soo-bin on him.

" Soo-bin calm down you are scaring Yeonie " Jungkook said as he patted his head .

" But Hyung he -"

" Make him understand but not like this " he said 

And soo-bin huffed ,"Fine I won't do anything but tell him to not talk to me , you know Jungkook hyung you are spoiling him a lot. Hoseok and Namjoon are so well behaved and here this is this brat always causing trouble."

"Soo-bin " Jungkook said in stern voice clearly telling him to not cross line.

" Binnie you think of me like that ?? ......well you are no less than a brat ...kookie hyung is million no trillion times better than you . " Yeonjun yelled trying to push back his tears .

"Have you seen enough Jungkook hyung ?? Or do you want me to prove you point ??"Soo-bin asked while Jungkook just shaked his head in disbelief and turn to hug Yeonjun.

" Let's go babies I will buy you ice cream " he said and dragged namseok away who protested but all in vain. Jimin followed them while Mr Kim just left from their as he had some work .

" Hey Bub don't cry , Binnie won't stay mad for long just apologize to him nicely . He is so good to you isn't he than why don't you listen to him ??" Jungkook asked softly.

" He ain't good ...always angry on Yeonie...always scolding Yeonie...Yeonie hates him..." Yeonjun said sniffling.

" Yeonjun don't say like that "

Yeonjun screamed pushing away Jungkook who frowned and groan in frustration as mess.

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