Quest Journey (2)

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Percy Jackson POV-

"Wake up, young hero." I heard a female voice say. "Your friends are worried, young hero, and I do not have much time."

I slowly opened my eyes, and my body felt better, and the poison in my body felt severely weaker as it was disappearing in my system.

"Who are you." I asked. The presence wasn't threatening to I kept my guard down.

"I am Eudora, a nereid, a spirit of the sea. The naiads, my freshwater cousins, are helping me sustain my life force here. They do not serve in Lord Poseidon court, but they honor him. I come on behalf of Lord Poseidon."

"Of course, he can't talk to me face to face." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "So what do you want then?" I asked.

"I am here to give you a warning and a gift." Eudora opened her palm to reveal three pearls. "Should you survive till manhood, the oracles fortold a great and terrible future for you. Take these pearls, and when you are in dire need, smash one under your feet."

I decided to trust her, so i took the pearls and put them into my pocket. "Thank you." I was wondering what the terrible and great future the oracles fortold about me, but my sisters told me not to stress thinking about the future.

"Good luck, young hero, and remember. What belongs to the sea always returns to the sea." Eudora said before disappearing.

I looked around and noticed how disgusting the river was. So, not wanting to stay here any longer, I swam a bit before surfacing.


I gripped onto a railing and pulled myself out of the river. I was not surprised that I was dry when I got out of the river, but I was surprised when I got tackled into a hug.

"You're alive." Annabeth said as she basically hugged the life out of me.

"Thank gods." Grover said as he sighed in relief.

"Good to see you guys, too." I said as I patted Annabeth on the back. "You're squeezing kind of hard, Wise girl."

Annabeth released me from her bear squeeze. Trust me, I should know. Bears have strong arms, especially when it comes to hugging. Almost got my arms and ribs broken from a hug i got from a mama bear after I saved her cub.

"Sorry, but how did you do that?" Annabeth asked.

"Do what?" I asked, confused.

"How did you make that huge water column grab you as you fell out of the arch and bring you into the water?" Grover asked in amazement.

I slightly frowned. "I don't know. I didn't- wait no, I do know, it was Poseidon that did that." I said.

We heard sirens, I looked around and saw what I think are police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks around the St.louis arch. "We should go, like now." I said, the others agreed, and we quickly left.


We were able to get a bus towards Denver, Colorado. However, it had to make a stop due to two of the tires going flat all of a sudden.

We all got off and saw a diner. "Hungry?" I asked.

Grover and Annabeth nodded. We made our way to the diner and sat at a table. "We only got enough money for a few taxis and busses, so we must not spend too much." Annabeth said. Tho her expression looked like she was ready to start trying on using drachmas to buy the whole menu.

"What can I get you three?" The waitress said as she took out a small notepad and a pen. Before we could speak, the sound of something large approached the diner. I thought it was a monster, but when I looked, it was a two-wheeled vehicle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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