Concordia Library

Start from the beginning

Dusk nods approvingly, watching as he slowly relaxes. She then turns her attention back to the window, one hand lightly tapping the rhythm of a song she remembers from childhood. As she sits there in comfortable silence, her thoughts wander and she finds herself thinking about more than just their mission, noting how strange it is that Xavia doesn't seem so intimidating when he's sleeping.

A few hours later, she gently shakes him awake, "Hey, Xavia. We're here."

"Dammit, Dusk," Xavia grumbles as he wakes up. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes before getting to his feet. 

The station they had arrived at was busy with librarians and readers alike but amongst them all stood Concordia Library, looming tall over them.

Gazing up at the high structure of stone and intricate architecture fills Dusk with an even higher level of excitement. She mutters under her breath more to herself than for anyone else, "Isn't it just beautiful?" Her mismatched eyes twinkle in fascination as she marvels at their working environment for the day.

"It's... Alright," Xavia remarks nonchalantly, not letting on how much he admires the magnificent structure. But as soon as they step through its grand entrance, his gaze begins wandering around admiringly.

Entering the library is like stepping into another world for him. Although they're here to steal something valuable, he can't deny that he has a soft spot for such places.

Noticing the shift in her partner's demeanor, Dusk chuckles quietly to herself. Seeing a hint of admiration dancing in his usually gloomy eyes is surprisingly charming, even if he is too stubborn to admit that he finds something pleasing.

She nudges him gently, whispering with a teasing grin on her face, "See? Adventures aren't so bad."

Xavia glares at her but it's half-hearted at best, "Yeah, yeah," He grumbles, adjusting his jacket before starting their much-needed exploration.

Dusk utilizes the keycard hanging from her neck, a gift from Zane, to grant them access to various sections of the library as they make their way closer to their target. Upon coming across the ancient civilizations section, Xavia freezes momentarily. This section was just too tempting for him to pass up looking around a little bit.

"I'll be... Right here. Go on, scout ahead," He says dismissively to Dusk, finding a chair and propping his feet up onto the table that holds piles of thick history books.

"Okay," The dark-haired woman agrees with a little nod, slightly amused at his sudden change in attitude, "Make sure not to slack off too much though," She adds teasingly before turning away.

Xavia only grunts in acknowledgment, not bothering to look up from the book he had picked out. The rest of the world fades away as he delves into a different era filled with brave warriors, cruel kings and forgotten customs.

A few turns and twists down the vast maze of books, Dusk comes across a high-security door. That has to be it! She thinks to herself triumphantly as she finally reaches their destination. She pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of the location before sending it over to Xavia. 

Thankfully, she has a hacking program on a USB Zane had provided her with. She plugs it into the door discreetly, quickly standing in front of it to cover herself as a fellow 'librarian' walks by, stopping to greet her.

"Hello there. You must be the new hire!" A rather handsome young man with auburn colored hair and a striking jawline greets her enthusiastically.

Caught off guard by the sudden encounter, Dusk quickly greets him back, "Yes! Hi there!" She speaks with a friendly smile plastered on her face.

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