Skye confronts the past

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Skye's point of view

Today i had been asked to see my former team in a court of law and decide if i want to press charges against them (for what i am not entirely sure) but i am having mixed emotions about it, on one hand i want justice for myself and Natasha's and my daughter but on the other hand they were only doing what they did to protect those who the saw as family 'Shield' so do i truly get to judge them when i did the same with Myles which started this whole thing in the first place, At first i was so mad but now i don't know what to think.

On one hand if I imprison them then what happened to me won't happen again and I can rest easy knowing this fact.

But if i let them of free then i might have see them around and i am not sure i can live with that, but there are restraining orders to consider, but would the team actually abide by them or come near me anyway to try and make amends, but if they are willing to make amends and apologize are they really such bad people.

I had all of these thoughts swimming around in my head not knowing which ones to listen to and which ones to block out.

my thoughts were swimming before i felt a hand on my shoulder, looking up i saw the face of a smiling Fury standing over me.

"Do you mind if I sit?"

He asked me in a nice and patient tone.

"No not at all, i would enjoy the company"

I told him to wait for him to get comfortable next to me before asking.

"Can you give me advice on what to do about Coulson and his team?"

I said before he answered.

"Yes but first I am going to need to know what you think of the situation first."

I did as I was told and I explained my thought process and the reasons behind it before I became quiet so Fury could tell me what he thought of this.

"I think you are correct and if i was you i would try my best to make the decision that is best for all parties"

He advised me before adding.

"You told me that it didn't feel right being angry at them for doing what you did with Myles, am I correct?"

He asked me, making me reply.


"Then what does your gut say to do?"

"To let them go and file a restraining order or come to a understanding with them"

I told him, making him smile proudly and nod in encouragement.

"If that is what your gut says then any other approach to this predicament will fell wrong and may even haunt you a bit"

He told me, making me agree with the sense it made.

"Ok then, thank you dad"

I said before blushing bright red, He laughed before saying.

"Its ok kiddo and if it is alright with you i would love to be that to you"

He said in a nice manner which I nodded in return to before saying.

Thirty minutes later I was holding Natasha's hand because the other one was preoccupied with the stroller seeing as she and our daughter had spent the morning together as I was getting ready walking into a courthouse and going before the judge.

The judge went on weighing out the pros and cons and telling me about the options I had before the floor was mine and everyone's attention (including team 616 who was sitting on the defense) was on me.

I looked over to them and instantly felt bad seeing their glum expressions.

I stood up taller before turning to the judge and said.

"I have made my decision"

She smiled and motioned for me to go ahead and tell her what i had decided.

"I do not want to press charges of any sort"

I told the judge, looking over to Coulson and his team and almost laughed at their dumbfounded expressions.

"Can you please explain to me why you are choosing this decision?"

She asked me.

"A very smart man told me that if i dont go with my gut feeling then it wouldn't be the right one and it would haunt me for a long time"

I told her while seeing Fury smiling from his place sitting next to me.

"Well whoever this man is, is obviously very wise"

The judge glanced at Fury letting us know he knew it was him.

"He certainly is your honor"

I say in reply.

"Team 616 you are free to go"

And with that the hammer came down and commenced the end of the court, we all stood up and started to disperse from the courtroom before Coulson approached me.

"Skye i am sorry"

He said.

"It was wrong of me to leave you alone and i promise to never to it with anyone ever again"

He swore to me before turning and walking back to where May and the others were waiting.


Peter's point of view

I knew that Daisy had a court appearance this morning but when she came into our makeshift lab at the avengers tower she looked tired and drained and it wasn't even 12:00 so this had me worried about her.

Luckily Aunt May had also picked up on Daisy's state of mind and was already next to her surrounded her in a hug and in my opioid her hugs fix everything but I might be a little biased.

"What is wrong hunny?"

She asked Daisy in a soothing manner.

"I decided to not press charges"

She told us, making me shocked.

"That's good"

Said May before adding.

"It means you are not letting this control your life"

Daisy nodded in agreement.

"Yes your right"

She said, smiling wide.

"That's my girl"

I said before they both looked at me before bursting into laughter making me cross my arms and mumble.

"Hey there is more of your gender here then mine"

I said before going bright red when minutes later Daisy did the same as me.

My aunt looked at me proudly before taking a seat on a sofa where she originally was and opening a book once more to read on.

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