The next day

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Skye's point of view

Natasha and I got up and got changed. We were having a good fluffy morning while exchanging glances, lovey gooey glances and small smiles between one another making my heart swell with love and appreciation.

It wasn't even a moment later when i could feel my darling baby girl kicking in my stomach making my mind wonder why she didn't start doing it before Natasha started talking almost like she could feel her other mums existence nearby with both intrigued me because it was cool if she actually could and make me smile with pride at how big she is getting and at the fact that i will meet her soon and i can't wait.

Hopefully nobody will hurt my daughter but if they do me and Natasha will do everything we can to defend her.

"Hey honey, how strong do you think she will be?"

I ask Natasha knowing she knows I am referring to the baby while putting my top on after my jeans, socks and shoes were already on.

"I don't know sweetheart but i hope she is super strong so she can protect herself when she is old enough"

Says Natasha lovingly making me start smiling at the fact that I can imagine a vague image of our child with her hands on her hips standing on a rooftop looking cutely heroic.

"Yes Natasha, our baby will be the strongest of them all"

I say in a voice that could be considered sarcastic because of how childish I sound.

"Stop making fun of me Skye!, she will be strong she is my daughter"

She says smugly while playfully putting her hands on her hips just like in my 'vague image' making my heart beat faster making me wanna pick her up and spin her around because of how ridiculously cute she is being but reluctantly I stand firm and restrain myself from doing so because of the fact that we may be soulmates but we have only met a day ago.

"Ok i wont but she is also my daughter so she will be super awesome with extraordinary hacking skills"

I responded by lifting a brow and daring her to challenge me.

"Yes of course she will Skye"

She says before looking at me strangely, making me suddenly Self conscious at what she might be analyzing and most feared of all what she might want me to improve upon myself.

"What is it?"

I ask anxiously before I await a response with my heart thumping on my chest, and sweat gathers at my brow.

"I am so glad and impressed at how fast you are recovering most people would be cowering"

She explains making me smile sadly knowing the truth and the fact that I won't be holding it together for much longer.

"It may seem so but it might creep up on me at some point and when that time comes you might not like what you witness"

I say with an obviously strong feeling of anxiety tightening my chest making me feel sick at the thought of Natasha leaving me for ever and never coming back.

Truthfully i didn't want to admit it but i know honesty is the right approach and that she needs to know so she knows how to help me if i do lose my mind.

"Well, if and when you fall I will be here to catch you and kiss it better,"

Said Natasha in a sweet loving voice making a shiver go down my spine as my chest develops a warm fuzzy feeling that can only be described as a sense of belonging.

Just as I was about to respond, a knock came from the door indicating somebody wanted to talk.

"Come in"

Skye's unfortunate start and happy endingWhere stories live. Discover now