The Rescue

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Natasha's point of view

Here I am Packing to go and meet not only my soul mate but my soon to be daughter as well who has been experimented on Bye hydra along with their mother my soul mate and has been given abilities because Hydra wanted Soldiers that they could control and use and probably kill me,

They've always hated that I am a threat and they have wanted to eliminate me for a while.

Hopefully agent Morse can rescue them because i really want to be a mum and have this family with my soulmate, yes i'm scared, and yes i am anxious but i know i can do this.

I am not in the red room anymore where they believe 'love is for children' the red room was always into breaking the spirits of the widow's and making us think that family's and the freedom of choice didn't exist, but it does and i love it and this life i have now i am free to do or be what i want and i choose having a family.

There will be things that will need to be addressed (like the new powers and trauma Skye has for a starters) but we will get to those obstacles one at a time and face the good and bad together.

But i know one thing for sure (Phillip j Coulson will pay) i have never liked him, he has always been a spoiled brat and had always got things that he didn't deserve.

I suspect after everything that's happened Skye will feel the same as me and we can punish him together.

He was supposed to protect Skye no matter his feelings. I don't even think he asked Skye why she slept with Myles or if she did it as a distraction.

I bet he just took someone else's word for it and ignored Skye when she tried to explain.

From what I have heard she may have her faults and odd quirks but she is always loyal to the people she is with.

There is also something that's bugging me, before any of Skye's supposed betrayals happen she helped the team whenever they asked, without question or doubt, threw herself into danger when she needed to to protect them even though she was a consultant without training of any sort for field work.

She put herself in harm's way if it meant saving someone, especially Fitz and Simmons who she had come to see as siblings during her short time on the 'bus' so i am also going to ask her about that as well.

When I reached the Quin jet where Fury and Maria and the rest of my team were waiting with medical equipment and weapons.

I silently curse myself for being the last one here. I am the black widow for god sake.

How long did it take me to pack, i mean i know i am stressed but that is no excuse for laziness there are lives at stake.

We get on board and fly towards the scene of the hydra base where my soulmate is being held and we land at a safe distance away so we are not detected before we go to the command center and call Agent Morse for an update.


Barbra (Bobbi) Morse' point of view

I had been constantly checking on Skye when no other hydra agents I was preparing our escape for tonight I'm making sure that there was no hitch in the plan that we would get out safely Skye still hasn't woken up which does concern me luckily there was a wheelchair in the room and my plan was made so that I can use if I need to thankfully.

I went to my Hydra apartment for the last time to do my final update to shield to inform them of what's happening before we break out tonight and escape this awful place, then and only when Skye and the baby are safe will be when I finally rest.

I opened my door and walked into it and went straight to the kitchen to get a beer before going into the living room to wait for Shield to call me after sending a message saying I was alone.

Skye's Hydra ExperienceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora