Fast forward to wedding

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Natasha's point of view

It was a beautiful day as I stood In Front if a full-length mirror in a tuxedo as I was about to marry the prettiest woman which made me feel so lucky to have her and to in a few seconds make it official.

I was told that Daisy was in a beautiful dress but nobody would tell me anything else other than that because of wedding superstitions.

I made sure my hair and makeup was perfect and that the suit wasn't wrinkled and was lined up perfectly.

I brushed myself down before I heard the door open and Pepper came through it with Tony on her tail.

"Hello Natasha, are you ready for your big day?"

Pepper asked me in a loving motherly tone that she used for all of us.

"Yes i am peps"

I said back to her and chuckled when she glared at me from calling her 'peps'.

"You know not to call me that Natalia"

She responded playfully, making me roll my eyes.

"Hey no bullying the bride on the wedding day"

I gestured to myself in my tux as Pepper and Tony smiled towards me.

"Are we going to do this?"

Tony impatiently makes Pepper elbow him with a disapproving look upon her face, making him apologize.

"Or we can wait"

He said reluctantly, making Pepper look at him disapprovingly once more.

"Well your in luck tony because i believe it is wedding time"

I say indicating to the half of the bridesmaids stood outside of the open door gesturing for me to follow them.


He says and the next thing Pepper is smacking him up the side of the head.

"Come on children it's time"

Pepper says, guiding us out of the door and towards the isle.


Daisy's point of view

"I look wonderful dont I?"

I ask Peter who is looking at me in awe like a younger brother would.

"Yes you do"

Says May from the coroner of the room while Peter nods in agreement.

"That dress is beautiful"

Says peter referring to my white wedding dress that came down just below the knees so it wouldn't drag on the floor.

"It's time for you to walk down the aisle Daisy"

Says the voice of Steve appearing around the coroner.

"The baby?"

I ask him.

"She is sitting with Bruce and Thor"

He says to ease my conscience.

"Oh great let's make our way then"

I told the people in the room and almost laughed when they sprung into action.

In half a second later we were walking down towards the double doors that would lead to the aisle and I knew it was my time soon seeing as I saw Natasha go around the coroner to walk down it herself just a few seconds ago.

Fury, who wanted to walk me down the aisle, appeared at my side and wrapped my arm around his before whispering.

"Let's do this Hun"

May came to my other side and made sure everything was ok before she hustled down the aisle with Peter on her tail to get to their seats.

A second later Fury was walking me down the aisle and towards the woman that i love and bound to by the bonding of our souls

As we approached I saw my beloved Natasha looking beautiful and sending a smile my way while her eyes glowed like stars in the night sky.

I walked up the stairs while Fury moved to the side so I could join my soon to be wife in front of the person that was marrying us while the bridesmaids made their way behind me and into the formation that they had agreed upon.

And then when it was time we turned to face one another before exchanging our vows.

"My beloved Natasha, in all of my life i have only had the delight of having one person who has put me above all else and that was you, and i want to spend the rest of my life not only receiving this love but also giving it back to you in return of your kindness and loving gestures that you have shown towards me"

I told her watching as with each word she became more and more loving and happy making me show a big smile before she started her vows to me.

"Daisy ever since i laid my eyes on you i have felt like i was staring into the face of a star that was in the middle of an eclipse but at the beginning it was like you were sad but as time gradually moved forward you have become happier and happier and i am so pleased to be able to be the one to give that to you"

She said before continuing.

"All i want to do is to keep you with me and cherish you forever and i am so glad that i am able to be the one to put that ring on your finger and call you my wife and soulmate"

She said before we shared a kiss that felt like a million pounds worth and time slowed around us bringing us into a time where it was just her and me looking at one another in love and devotion.

She brought her hand to my cheek and caressed it softly before once again kissing me.

"I love you Daisy Johnson"

She says to me while sliding a wedding ring onto my finger while at the same time people went ohh and ahh.

"And i love you to Natasha Romanova"

I say back in a way that can only be described by mirroring while also sliding a ring onto her finger.

"Come on Daisy, it's the start of the rest of our lives"

She whispered in my ear before adding.

"Time for our honeymoon baby"

And my face broke out into a smile before we started to head towards the doors in a short path to the car that would take us to our next destination while stopping half way to collect our baby girl.

"I am so excited"

I said kissing the forehead of our daughter before continuing our walk towards the door before reaching it and walking through it with the prettiest woman following me just behind that i would spend the rest of my life with and the baby that i will cherish until the end of time.

The end of Skye's unfortunate start and happy ending

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